Anonymous ID: 72a421 May 28, 2019, 1:50 p.m. No.6610940   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Was a good watch Anon.


Summary for the Anons. Some number KEKs filmed off tv then Trump recent press questions about wikileaks (w Trump saying not his thing) followed by good compilation of Trump talking WL during the campaign. Narrated by a women with a sexy voice.



Anonymous ID: 72a421 May 28, 2019, 2:41 p.m. No.6611295   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cardinal James Comey speaking about ethical leadership today in Winnipeg, Mb. You can't make this stuff up.


Blank clock for today and a COMEY reference from marker :35 (was looking there for a time stamp double double from yesterday).