Anonymous ID: 8b57a9 May 28, 2019, 1:41 p.m. No.6610858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0870

Oklahoma Begins First Major Opioid Trial Against Johnson & Johnson


Johnson & Johnson is facing trial with the state of Oklahoma in a lawsuit alleging that Johnson & Johnson’s painkiller marketing is responsible for the present opioid crisis.


The trial is set for Tuesday and will take place in Cleveland County, Oklahoma, with Cleveland County District Judge Thad Balkman presiding, according to a press release from Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter’s office.


Hunter alleges that Johnson & Johnson’s marketing campaigns downplayed the negative effects of opioids and overly highlighted the positive effects of opioids, according to NPR. Hunter also alleges that Purdue Pharma LP and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd of Jerusalem are responsible for the same charges — however, both of these companies have settled with the state of Oklahoma.


Teva announced Sunday that they settled with the state of Oklahoma for $85 million, an amount that will be used for litigation costs and “to abate the opioid crisis in Oklahoma,” according to the press release.


“Today’s announcement is a testament to the state’s legal team’s countless hours and resources preparing for this trial and their dedication and resolve to hold the defendants in this case accountable for the ongoing opioid overdose and addiction epidemic that continues to claim thousands of lives each year,” Hunter said Sunday, according to the press release. “Nearly all Oklahomans have been negatively impacted by this deadly crisis and we look forward to Tuesday, where we will prove our case against Johnson & Johnson and its subsidiaries.”


Teva said in a statement that though the company did reach a settlement, this does not establish any wrong doing on its part.


“The settlement does not establish any wrongdoing on the part of the company; Teva has not contributed to the abuse of opioids in Oklahoma in any way,” the company said in a statement. “The company has resolved this matter in a way that benefits the people who have suffered from abuse of opioids and to help stop the effects of the opioid crisis. Teva continues to keep the long-term stability of the company at the forefront.”


Purdue Pharma also settled for $270 million in March, the press release reveals.


“We acted responsibly in providing FDA-approved pain medications, and we are ready for trial,” Johnson & Johnson said in a statement to Reuters on Sunday, adding that it cannot be proved that their marketing caused doctors to incorrectly prescribe opioids.


Johnson & Johnson did not respond to a request for comment.

Anonymous ID: 8b57a9 May 28, 2019, 1:46 p.m. No.6610893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0939 >>1247 >>1555 >>1567

The Rockefeller Way: The Family’s Covert ‘Climate Change’ Plan


Executive Summary


“Beginning in the 1980s, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund became leading advocates of the global warming agenda. … In their Sustainable Development Program Review, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund boasts of being one of the first major global warming activists, citing its strong advocacy for both the 1988 formation of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the 1992 establishment of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change.” (excerpt from Report)


The following text is the Executive Summary of a full length report by The Energy & Environmental Legal Institute published in 2016.


This informative report is brought to the attention of Global Research readers. The CRG does not necessarily endorse the title nor the contents of this report.


What is important, however, is to acknowledge the role of the Rockefeller family –which historically was the architect of “Big Oil”– in supporting the Climate Change debate as well as financing the NGOs involved in grassroots activism against “Big Oil”.


Debate on the world’s climate is of crucial importance.


But there is a contradictory relationship: Whereas “Big Oil” is the target of Global Warming activism, “Big Oil” through the Rockefeller Family and Rockefeller Brothers Trusts generously finance the Worldwide climate protest movement. Ask yourself Why?


Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, May 2019


The Rockefellers are arguably the wealthiest and most powerful family in the history of the United States. For more than 100 years, they have shaped and directed America’s economic, financial, political, and public policy while simultaneously amassing one of the largest family empires in the modern era.


Most Americans hold the billionaire philanthropists in high esteem, associating the Rockefeller name with “oil” and “capitalism.” In reality, the Rockefellers are intent on controlling nearly every major institution in America, using philanthropy as a means of increasing their influence on the world stage under the guise of advancing various social causes. Their avid opposition to the very fossil fuel industry that made John D. Rockefeller America’s first billionaire shows that the Rockefellers are not political ideologues. Instead, they are mere opportunists who support political agendas convenient to enhancing their leverage in the global arena.


Through the Rockefellers’ web of family foundations, universities, and institutions, as well as huge grants to other charities, they have gained unprecedented influence in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, energy, and the environment. Their highly complex integration of hedge funds, interlocking boards positions, and non-profit organizations has steered public policy on these issues and provided them with foreknowledge of emerging markets and access to the developing worlds’ natural resources.


Since the beginning of their philanthropic endeavors, the Rockefellers have used social causes to amass influence in policy areas of their choosing. Since the 1980s, their cause of choice has been the climate change agenda (originally called global warming). Their crusade to collapse the fossil fuel industry in favor of renewable energy in well-documented, from their involvement in major global climate treaties and organizations – the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 1992 to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol – to spending hundreds of millions to advance the renewable energy industry. Through their Sustainable Development Program, the Rockefellers continue to promote their self-serving “clean energy” policies throughout both the federal government and general public.


As the most prolific benefactors of the climate activist movement, the Rockefellers’ impact on the energy industry sees no bounds, as the family’s objectives permeate throughout federal and state energy policy, as well as international social engineering globalist compacts such as Agenda 21. With the immeasurable influence that accompanies mass wealth and power, the Rockefeller empire has proven an effective puppeteer of advancing its main objective: the destruction of the fossil fuel industry to increase its clout over the energy sector.


Full report

Anonymous ID: 8b57a9 May 28, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.6610926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1115 >>1247 >>1555 >>1567

South African Mom Who Spoke Out Against Slaughter Of White Farmers Found Stabbed, Beaten to Death With Hammer


South African activist and mom, Annette Kennealy, spoke out against the massacre of white farmers in South Africa on social media for years.


Kennealy had accounts on Facebook and Gab where she spoke out against attacks on farmers, anti-white racism and social media censorship.

Anonymous ID: 8b57a9 May 28, 2019, 1:50 p.m. No.6610941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0952

Coalition or repeat election: Verdict due by midnight Wednesday


PM: The more we prepare for an election, the less likely it is that there will be an election


The people of Israel and the world will only find out close to the midnight deadline on Wednesday night for building a coalition whether the country is headed to the formation of a new government or an unprecedented repeat election on September 17.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s spokesman said no meeting was set Tuesday with Yisrael Beytenu Avigdor Liberman, who holds the key to the coalition’s formation, and there was no progress toward reaching a compromise with Liberman, who the spokesman said “rejects every offer and continues stalling.”

Netanyahu continued preparing for an election on Tuesday.


The Likud’s secretariat approved a deal to run with Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon’s socioeconomic Kulanu Party. The prime minister’s former chief of staff Natan Eshel worked intensely to persuade Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, to let former justice minister Ayelet Shaked also run with Likud.


“The more we prepare for an election, the less likely it is that there will be an election,” Netanyahu told the secretariat.


British Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund chairman Samuel Hayek, who has acted as a mediator between Netanyahu and Liberman, told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday night that it was too soon to give up hope.


“I am realistically optimistic, and it’s not just wishful thinking,” he said.


Liberman said Tuesday that there is no compromise that interests him, and he continues to insist on passing the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) conscription bill as is.


“There is nothing new under the sun,” Liberman said.


Hayek, who is close to Liberman, said the Yisrael Beytenu leader thinks the bill is “critical for the future of our society and is already a compromise” on Liberman’s part.

Anonymous ID: 8b57a9 May 28, 2019, 1:51 p.m. No.6610946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1247 >>1555 >>1567

Turkey Shoots Itself in the Foot by Providing Syrian “Opposition” with Advanced Weapons


The Syrian government’s offensive in northwestern provinces of Hama and Lattakia that began almost a month ago fell short of expectations. Having briefly established control over a number of areas, the Syrian army units were forced to retreat due to fierce counter-attacks by the armed opposition factions. After that the campaign transformed into a prolonged stand-off framed by sporadic clashes and mutual shelling.


The robust defense of the opposition forces is rooted into two key factors. First, the armed factions that previously existed in a state of a permanent internal struggle managed to join their ranks and reinforced the front lines with additional troops. The attacks of the Syrian army are currently being repelled by fighters of the National Liberation Front (NLF) that is considered part of the moderate opposition, members of Al Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria Hayat Tahrir Al Sham (HTS) and Uighur jihadists from Islamic Turkistan Party.


Second, the militants benefit from the use of advanced weapons, primarily ATGMs, that give them the capability to target armored vehicles from a distance and stall offensive actions of the government forces.


Since the beginning of the escalation the opposition launched dozens of ATGMs against the army units. It would appear that a lack of munitions is not a concern for them as an urgent weapons supply line was opened by Turkey.


Last week, a Turkish convoy carrying a large batch of weapons and munitions arrived at the NLF-held town of Jabal Al Zawieh. In an interview to Reuters the NLF spokesman Naji Mustafa did not deny that the group received Turkish weapons.


Besides ATGMs, the armed opposition factions were also supplied with Turkish-made Panthera F9 armored personnel carriers. Pictures posted on social media demonstrate that at least three vehicles are in possession of the opposition.


In addition to that, members of Turkey-backed factions that are normally based in northern Aleppo were recently redeployed to the front lines in northern Hama.


Despite any short-term gains, by providing the opposition forces with weapons on a large scale Turkey risks to harm its own interests in Syria.


Taking into account that during the last few years the HTS extremists have effectively established dominance over Idlib, it’s not hard to predict that Turkey-supplied weapons will end up in the group’s hands. These developments would not only hinder peaceful settlement of the situation in Idlib that Turkey is a part of, but also threaten Ankara’s ambitions of strengthening it’s influence in northern Syria. Such repercussions must come as another warning to the Turkish authorities who risk to witness internal turmoil due to their ill-advised actions abroad.

Anonymous ID: 8b57a9 May 28, 2019, 1:58 p.m. No.6610996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1007

Sky News really?


Report: Assad Drops Cluster Bombs on Hospital in Rebel Syrian Province


Sky News on Tuesday reported seeing “first-hand evidence that hospitals in Idlib are being targeted by Syrian regime forces who also appear to be using banned cluster bombs as they ratchet up their bombardment of the last rebel stronghold in the country.”


The report was filed by a Sky News team reportedly able to gain access to the city of Idlib and surrounding communities, where the Assad regime deliberately attacks medical facilities almost every day. Assad troops have shelled some hospitals over a dozen times.


While the Sky News reporters were visiting one hospital, a warplane blasted overhead, prompting the medical staff to shout warnings to take cover. Some hospitals have literally gone underground to escape the bombing. Others said they must scramble to evacuate their facilities when tipped off that a Syrian military attack is incoming, often with only half an hour’s warning. Civilians say they are frightened to use hospitals and clinics because they know they could be attacked.


U.N. officials said they have shared the locations of hospitals and other vulnerable civilian structures with military forces operating in Syria, including the Syrian regime’s patrons in Russia, so the attacks are clearly deliberate.


The evidence of Syrian dictator Bashar Assad using banned cluster bombs to attack hospitals took the form of cone-shaped silver fuses recovered from one of the attack sites. The weapons are banned because the spray of cluster munitions they deploy is indiscriminate and causes heavy collateral damage.


The Sky News reporters also heard Assad is once again using “barrel bombs,” an equally indiscriminate, cheaply-produced mass-casualty weapon that amounts to barrels full of explosives heaved out of orbiting helicopters. The news team did not personally witness any barrel bomb attacks.


An angry doctor in Idlib told the reporters the Western world has received evidence about Assad’s crimes against humanity, including new reports of chemical weapons deployment, but “no one cares.”


“It’s a war crime to make thousands of people leave their homes but the world is silent about these war crimes against civilians,” the doctor said.


The United States is investigating the latest reports of chemical weapons use in Syria, most recently including a chlorine gas attack in Idlib, but has yet to uncover firm evidence of such an attack. The investigators did confirm “indiscriminate and very vicious” attacks on civilians by the Assad regime using conventional weapons.


Officials in Idlib asked Turkey for protection on Monday as they dug in to repel an expected ground offensive by the Syrian army.


“This ferocious attack is a bone-breaking battle. If the regime is able to break our defensive lines in northern Hama and southern Idlib it will not stop until it reaches the borders,” the head of the local government told Reuters.


A jihadist group called Hayat al-Sham, an offshoot of al-Qaeda formerly known as the Nusra Front, currently controls the province, although other elements of the flagging Syrian resistance have coalesced in Idlib to repel a government assault that could effectively end the Syrian civil war.


The unsavory nature of Idlib’s leadership and the world’s weariness with the long and brutal war, which no longer has any serious chance of dislodging Assad from power, are likely factors in the muted response to Assad’s latest attacks on civilians. The Russians, who have maintained all along they were helping Assad fend off a coup by terrorists, accuse the West and United Nations of prolonging civilian suffering by helping jihadist groups maintain control of Idlib.


Idlib was supposed to be protected by a “de-escalation” agreement between Russia, Turkey, and Iran, but hundreds of civilians have been killed since the Syrian army disregarded the agreement and intensified attacks on the province in late April.


International aid organizations are bracing for the “worst humanitarian tragedy of the 21st Century” in Idlib, including a new refugee crisis as up to 700,000 residents are displaced from their homes. Idlib has already absorbed hundreds of thousands of refugees driven from other areas by fighting in the late stages of the civil war.


Sky news has reporters embedded with the terrorists. Assad winning war decides to sabotage his victory??? yeah right! old playbook

Anonymous ID: 8b57a9 May 28, 2019, 2:37 p.m. No.6611272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1555 >>1567

POLITICAL CORRUPTION: Microsoft, Facebook to intentionally interfere with Canada’s election, official says


OTTAWA (Reuters) – Microsoft Corp and Facebook Inc have agreed to help boost the security of Canada’s October election by removing fake accounts and cracking down on bots, a top government official said on Monday.


Last month the Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau complained that the world’s major social media companies were not doing enough to help combat potential foreign meddling in the vote and said Ottawa might have to regulate them.


Democratic Institutions Minister Karina Gould told legislators that the two companies had made commitments in a voluntary declaration on electoral integrity.


“The Wild West online era cannot continue – inaction is not an option. Disinformation must not stand,” said Gould, repeating the threat to crack down on the firms if necessary.

Anonymous ID: 8b57a9 May 28, 2019, 2:44 p.m. No.6611312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1334 >>1340 >>1372 >>1497

In Honor Of Memorial Day, John Bolton Announces 7 New Wars


WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a moving speech to honor Memorial Day, National Security Advisor John Bolton announced seven new wars the U.S. will launch in the coming months.


It’s customary for military leaders to say a few words on Memorial Day, sometimes thanking past soldiers for their sacrifice or reminding Americans of the price of freedom. This year, Bolton is going above and beyond, actually announcing new unnecessary wars as a special gift to the country on this solemn occasion.


Bolton teased wars on Canada, Mexico, England, France, Russia, India, and California, all in honor of the memory of soldiers who have died in past American wars. The national security advisor said that he selected these countries “kind of at random,” picking the names out of a MAGA hat.


“The best way we can remember the fallen is to launch a bunch of new wars and make more fallen,” he said solemnly. “Remember the sacrifice of the soldiers who fought in foreign wars, so that we would have the freedom to launch more foreign wars. They died for your freedoms, they died for your sins. They died so we could attack Iran again.”



Anonymous ID: 8b57a9 May 28, 2019, 2:49 p.m. No.6611346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1349 >>1359 >>1364 >>1555 >>1567

The End of Women’s Sports: Biological Male Wins NCAA Women’s Track Championship


A biological male who identifies as a woman won the NCAA women’s track championship over the weekend.

Cece Telfer. a biological male (transgender), won the women’s 400 meter hurdles on Saturday night and beat the second place competitor by over a full second.


The coach praised Cece Telfer for being the first student-athlete in Franklin Pierce history to collect an individual national title.

“It was tough conditions out here with the wind and the heat over the last three days but, as she has over the last six months, CeCe proved herself to be tough enough to handle it,” head coach Zach Emerson said.

“Today was a microcosm of her entire season; she was not going to let anything slow her down. I’ve never met anybody as strong as her mentally in my entire life,” Emerson said.

The NCAA boasts of its “inclusion of transgender student-athletes” because they believe in and are committed to “diversity, inclusion and gender equity among its student-athletes, coaches and administrators. We seek to establish and maintain an inclusive culture that fosters equitable participation for student-athletes and career opportunities for coaches and administrators from diverse backgrounds.”

The left is completely destroying women’s sports.

Recall, “Rachel” McKinnon is a man who won the women’s cycling world championship in October of last year — all he had to do was show up and say he was a woman named Rachel and next thing you know he’s the world champion.

Two biological males have also crushed female competitors in high school track in Connecticut, ultimately destroying scholarship opportunities for young girls.

Meanwhile the feminists are silent on this issue.

Anonymous ID: 8b57a9 May 28, 2019, 2:51 p.m. No.6611361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1379 >>1406 >>1555 >>1567

“We Build the Wall” Closes Off Human and Drug Smuggling Corridor in One Weekend! $100,000 a day Drug Pipeline SHUT DOWN (Video)


For months the liberal media mocked “We Build the Wall” founder and organizer Brian Kolfage and his noble plan to use private donations to help build the much-needed security wall between the US and Mexico. Brian raised over $20 million in private donations from over 260,000 individuals to build a border wall on the US southern border.


This Memorial Day Weekend the “We Build the Wall” organization built their first half mile of border wall near El Paso, Texas.

** You can donate to this incredible organization here.

The Gateway Pundit spoke with Brian Kolfage on Sunday. Brian told us,


“At the beginning everyone said you can’t do this. It’s impossible. You just can’t do this. And I think that just drove us forward even harder to get the project done. That’s what this country is all about, coming together and pooling our resources and getting the job done in a time of crisis. And we are in a crisis.”


Brian, a war veteran and triple amputee added, “We wanted to prove to the American people that in a time of need we can come together like we used to and get things done that are big. And I think we’re at a time where we realize that our government and politicians aren’t representing the people.”


Kris Kobach, who is on the leadership board of “We Build the Wall” is currently at the Texas-New Mexico border with Brian Kolfage as “We Build the Wall” completes its first project that closes off human traffic in the valley and cartel drug smuggling on Mout Cristo Rey.

In their latest video Kris Kobach explains how this section of border wall cuts off smuggling of around $100,000 worth of illegal drugs a day!

Kris Kobach added that “We Build the Wall” is finishing this section of wall with a platform on Mt. Cristo Rey that allows border guards to see for nearly 30 miles!

This private group WITH YOUR DONATIONS was able to complete a half mile section of international wall in 4 days!

This is an incredible accomplishment!

Anonymous ID: 8b57a9 May 28, 2019, 3:02 p.m. No.6611449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1555 >>1567 >>1608

Crooked Democrat Senator Mark Warner Sounds the Alarm Over Barr’s Declassification Powers in Letter to Intel Chiefs


President Trump really sent the rats scurrying with his declassification order — every corrupt official involved in Spygate is panicking.


Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) lashed out at Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr on Friday following the President’s declassification order of Spygate documents.


The incredibly corrupt Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Panel took to Twitter and accused Bill Barr of “selectively releasing information” in order to mislead the American people.


But Warner didn’t stop there.


The crooked Democrat Senator also sent a letter to the heads of the FBI, CIA, the NSA and Director of National Intelligence sounding the alarm on the Barr’s declassification powers.


In a letter dated Friday and obtained by the Associated Press, Warner says he fears Trump is giving Barr “the right to selectively declassify certain information for purposes of political gain.”


Warner then asked the leaders of the intel agencies to alert lawmakers if Bill Barr’s investigation threatens their work.


The first batch of declassification documents are said to include the ‘bucket 5’ — FBI documents of recorded conversations exonerating Trump campaign officials George Papadopoulos and Carter Page prior to the FBI obtaining their first FISA warrant.


Mark Warner’s panel investigated so-called ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ for over two years so he knows there was no such conspiracy.


Trump’s declassification order will expose the truth which is why Warner, who tried to set up a secret backchannel to dossier author Christopher Steele is panicking.

Anonymous ID: 8b57a9 May 28, 2019, 3:03 p.m. No.6611464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1555 >>1567

Top U.S. Environmental Enforcement Officials Meet With Officials in China


U.S. and Chinese Officials met in China to Discuss Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources