Anonymous ID: c17dd6 May 28, 2019, 3 p.m. No.6611435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1456


"Crossfire Hurricane was a UK state project, a cross-party project, meaning they were all involved [and] Theresa May is guilty of committing an Act of War against the United States, by order of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and her Privy Council…The declassification of these documents will show how the UK Corporation risked all our lives in order to cover up their crimes."


by order of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and her Privy Council


Hokay! Don't know anything about Cairns news, but you can't just say shit like this without some confidence you can defend it against slander/libel. Does anyone think that Q post 100 and the article raise the likelihood that the Queen really did sign off on this?

So far, I haven't seen sauce for this, but I have seen the image of the Hannigan/BoJo memo, attached. If all of this pans out, it looks like Obama will have taken out Parliment, the Royal House, members of the Privy Council, Half of Congress, Half of the intelligence community, and half of the MSM along with a shit ton of supporting characters.