TT ID: 0ec698 Hi May 28, 2019, 3:51 p.m. No.6611876   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q I think I’m on to something


When playing deep stack poker,

Do you immediately go all with a good hand?

Do you want to create a scenario where you always only get called by an equal good or better hand?

If your opponent then folds, he keeps all assets and can play another hand later.

If your hand is unbeatable, why not entice action and lure your opponent to commit.

Would you rather scare your opponent away or entrap into fully committing all assets?

Winning a small pot can be worthless compared to winning the game

Who is staking the player? Is he an even bigger target?

If so winning it all must be the objective.


Now that’s s strategy I can respect and that is exactly how these military geniuses would think I believe, if this was not a larp of course.


Not only that it would allow for a wealth of extremely valuable information and they get to fully see the complete system from above.


Expose and prevent then accomplished. It’s the only way.


It also plays into public awareness and civil order concerns. They would be able to slowly drop facts, while the cabal slowly implodes.


Suddenly people no one thought was compromised joins the dark side and unbeknownst exposes and incriminates himself as another compromised actor.