Anonymous ID: 1e6a68 May 28, 2019, 5:36 p.m. No.6612813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2934

Ancient warrior spirit endorses Democrats


An ancient warrior spirit named Ramtha has formally endorsed the Democratic Party this election cycle. This is one endorsement that might be tough to beat. Who else could travel 35,000 years through space and time to defy the laws of physics and common sense to make such an important declaration?


Ramtha has long been a financial supporter of the Thurston County Democratic Party.


WHY IS [InTheMatrixxx] taking Q to THIS CULT? WHY?

Anonymous ID: 1e6a68 May 28, 2019, 5:49 p.m. No.6612929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2940 >>2949 >>3054

Who thinks Ramtha will share Q with her devotees at no cost?


Who thinks Matrixxx is taking qresearch to the Ramtha School of Enlightenment next month for FREE?


Bueller? BUELLER???



Bueller? BUELLER??

Anonymous ID: 1e6a68 May 28, 2019, 6:07 p.m. No.6613046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3134

JZKnight/Ramtha has a rather low opinion of


Mexicans -

“The invasion of the Mexicans who just breed like rabbits [audience laughter], they are poison,” Knight says in the video that was taken in March 2011 by now-former students of her Ramtha School of Enlightment.


“I’m telling you this, every G—damn Mexican family is a Catholic — [more laughter] they’re breeding like f—ing rabbits,” she continues.


“All Mexicans are not worthy of conscious thought.”


“San Francisco is beating off the Catholics from down below,” Knight concludes before her words become incoherent and the clip ends.


Speaking of Catholics -


“F— you, you Catholics!” Knight bellows over cheers from her audience.


“We will come on you in a terror,” Knight growls in another cut. “We will bring… St. Peter’s temple down and we will swallow it in the sea.” (“St. Peter’s temple” is a reference to the Catholic church itself.)


And don't forget to include the Jews -


“F-ck God’s chosen people! I think they have earned enough cash to have paid their way out of the g-ddamned gas chambers by now.”


“Your God should have redeemed you from Germany.”


In spite of all of that, Democrats at first tried to cover for Knight and downplay the video evidence of her rants (most of which has since been hunted down and excised by Knight’s enthusiastic legal team). Eventually, however, they were shamed into stating that they would not take more of her money. And yet, in 2014, they did just that, to the tune of $65,000.


After accepting the money, Thurston County Democratic Party Chair Roger Erskine had the nerve (and incredibly bad judgement) to say:


JZ Knight is a very good strong Democrat and she totally supports our platform and our goals and I think that’s good enough.


She was a member of Barack Obama’s re-election steering committee. The Obama campaign took at least $50,000 from JZ Knight, and though they were fully aware of Knight’s statements and even paid lip service to their condemnation, they were one of the few campaigns that did not refuse or return a dime of it.