Anonymous ID: 48fb5d May 28, 2019, 5:07 p.m. No.6612577   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Political Islam, a Totalitarian Doctrine


Totalitarianism is a political system of absolute power where the state has no limit to its authority and regulates every aspect of public and private life.



The most common assumption about Islam is that it is a religion based on the Koran. However, the religious aspect is only a small part of Islam. It is not possible to know how to pray or do any other practice of the religion with what is found in the Koran.


Allah is found in the Koran and Mohammed is found in two texts, his biography, the Sira, which is a detailed life history and his traditions, or Hadith, are events that occurred in Mohammed’s life. The hadith is usually a few paragraphs long. A collection of his traditions (hadiths) is called the Hadith. So the Sunna is found in the Sira, his biography, and Hadith, his words and deeds.


Over 90 verses of the Koran say that Mohammed is the perfect life pattern for all Muslims. Mohammed is the perfect Muslim and all Muslims are to pattern their life after his. He is the perfect father, husband, judge, leader, warrior, businessman and politician. His life example, what he said or did, is called the Sunna of Mohammed.


Therefore, the totality of Islam is found in three books—Koran, Sira and the Hadith. Most people would be surprised to learn that the amount of words devoted to Mohammed is more than 6 times the size of the Koran, the words of Allah.


Another common assumption is that to know Islam, you must learn about it from a Muslim. This is not so. Islam is Allah and Mohammed. If you read the Koran (and it has now been made understandable) and know Mohammed, you know Islam. It is critical to understand the importance of this. Whatever is in the Koran and in the Sunna, it is Islam. If something is not based on the Koran and the Sunna, no matter who says it, is not Islam. The only Muslim who is an absolute and total authority on Islam is Mohammed. Once you know Mohammed, you know the only Muslim who matters.


This means that only those who know Mohammed and Allah can reason about Islam. A corollary is that you don’t have to be a Muslim to understand Islam. And further, since most Muslims know little about the Koran and the Sunna, their comments about Islam can be personal opinions.

Anonymous ID: 48fb5d May 28, 2019, 5:28 p.m. No.6612742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2747 >>2805

Higher US staff costs will hurt margins of IT companies

Crisil findings show that IT margins may contract by up to 80 basis points in FY20.


PUNE: Indian IT firms may see margins contract by as much as 80 basis points in the 2020 financial year as they increase hiring locally in the United States, their main market, according to Crisil Research.


Traditionally, Indian firms have used the H-1B visa route for onsite workers, but increased restrictions by the US have forced these companies to hire locally, where wages are 25-30% more than workers who come on short-term visas.


Employee expenses, which account for nearly 60-65% of total operating costs and cost per employee for tier-I players, rose faster at about 17% and 9% on-year in fiscal 2019, respectively, compared with about 6% and 3% a year before. “For mid-tier players, the increase in employee expenses was about 13% on-year for the nine months ended December of fiscal 2019 as many are yet to declare fourth quarter results,” said the report.

Anonymous ID: 48fb5d May 28, 2019, 5:36 p.m. No.6612812   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Surviving on junk food? It may up risk of colorectal cancer

Of all types of cancers, colorectal cancer had the highest link to poor diet.


WASHINGTON DC: Consuming a poor diet may have more impact on your health than you thought, as a recent study has claimed that a poor diet can lead to a number of health issues, one of them being cancer.


More than 80,000 cancer cases in some parts of the world were linked to poor diet, or around 5 per cent, according to a study published in the journal 'JNCI Cancer Spectrum'.


The study, conducted by the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts, analysed cancer diagnoses among adults from 2015 along with data from two national surveys on Americans' diets to determine how many cases were linked to poor diets, especially low in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and high in processed sugar, sugary beverages and red meats.


The findings are comparable to the number of cancer cases linked to alcohol consumption, which amount to between 4 and 6 per cent. Excessive body weight is linked to 7 per cent to 8 per cent of cases and lack of physical activity is associated with 2 per cent to 3 per cent.

Anonymous ID: 48fb5d May 28, 2019, 5:40 p.m. No.6612846   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Siemens to launch startup incubator in India

Siemens is also setting up a digital services and consultancy arm, with India at the core of it with a 4,000-strong team of ‘internet of things’ (IoT) and software experts.


German conglomerate Siemens is launching a startup incubator, Next47, in India, with an aim to invest a significant part of its $1-billion investment fund for startups globally.


The Munich-headquartered company is also setting up a digital services and consultancy arm, with India at the core of it with a 4,000-strong team of ‘internet of things’ (IoT) and software experts.


“US and China are our largest markets but India is very important to us,” Roland Busch, COO of Siemens AG, told ET during a visit to India.


“Our people in India are serving the international market. Indian market itself is a large and fast-growing one. India wants industrialisation to have a higher share of GDP from industry. All this is tailor-made for us and it makes sense for us to invest here.”

Anonymous ID: 48fb5d May 28, 2019, 5:47 p.m. No.6612906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2919

What what nuclear accident will cause this


Revelation 8:9

And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.



Russia launches world's largest nuclear-powered icebreaker


A ceremony was held on 25 May at the Baltic Shipyard in Saint Petersburg to mark the launch of the Ural nuclear-powered icebreaker. The 173 metre-long Ural is one of three vessels of Project 22220 - featuring RITM-200 reactors - that will be able to break through 3-meter-thick ice as they escort vessels across the Arctic Ocean


State nuclear corporation Rosatom said that, with the launch, it has "completed another step towards ensuring all-year round navigability of the Northern Sea Route (NSR)."


Ural and its sister ships Arktika and Sibir are third-generation 'universal' LK-60 icebreakers that are being built as dual-draught (8.55 or 10.5m) wide-beam (34 m) ships of 25,450 dwt or 33,540 dwt with ballast, able to handle 3 m of ice. They each have two RITM-200 reactors of 175 MWt each, delivering 60 MW at the propellers via twin turbine-generators and three motors.


Rosatom said ballast tanks inside the vessel's hull can be adjusted easily to alter the ship's draught depending on whether the vessel needs to navigate the Arctic sea or shallow river estuaries. "With this smart design solution, Rosatom is essentially getting two types of ice breakers for the price of one, representing a potential cost saving of hundreds of millions of dollars."


Commenting on the ceremonial launch, Rosatom Director General Alexey Likhachov said: "The Ural together with its sisters are central to our strategic project of opening the NSR to all-year activity."


He noted that Russia aims to ship more than 80 million metric tons of goods through the NSR by 2024. This will mainly consist of: natural gas (47 million tons), coal (23 million tons), oil (5 million tons), heavy industrial goods such as machinery (5 million tons) and 1 million tons of metals.


"We also plan to add two more project 22220 ships to our nuclear icebreaker fleet by 2027," Likhachov added. "The contract for construction of these icebreakers is expected to be signed by the end of this August

Anonymous ID: 48fb5d May 28, 2019, 5:52 p.m. No.6612944   🗄️.is 🔗kun

9 drug suspects arrested, 6m speed pills seized


Nine drug suspects, including a 19-year-old major trafficker with more than one billion baht in his bank accounts, have been arrested in separate police raids in Bangkok, Pathum Thani and Nonthaburi. More than 6 million speed pills were seized.


Drugs including speed pills and crystal methamphetamine, weapons, and other items seized from the nine suspects were displayed during a media briefing on Wednesday.


In the first police operation, officers from the Patrol and Special Operations Division (or 191 Patrol) arrested four men and seized 240,000 speed pills, two cars and five mobile phones with a combined worth of over 2 million baht.


The suspects were arrested on Bang Na-Trat Road in Bang Na district, Bangkok, said Pol Maj Gen Samrarn Nuanma, commander of the 191 Patrol.

Anonymous ID: 48fb5d May 28, 2019, 6:08 p.m. No.6613051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3077

France and Germany clash over European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker’s successor in post-EU election shake-up


France and Germany appeared on a collision course on Tuesday over who should hold one of the European Union’s most coveted jobs, after weekend elections across the 28-nation bloc redrew Europe’s political map.

Arriving in Brussels for an EU summit, French President Emmanuel Macron virtually ruled out the prospect of German politician Manfred Weber replacing Jean-Claude Juncker as the new president of the bloc’s executive arm, the European Commission.

Juncker’s term at the commission, which proposes EU laws and makes sure they are enforced, is due to end on October 31, and leaders from across the continent are gathering in Brussels to debate who should succeed him.

Anonymous ID: 48fb5d May 28, 2019, 6:15 p.m. No.6613118   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What he meant was how dare they not what to be ruled by a totalitarian state and have what's left of their rights and freedoms taken away… Islam good .. Christianity bad … and they worship their god baal