Anonymous ID: f1bf2d May 28, 2019, 5:17 p.m. No.6612652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2663

Part 1 of 2

Bannon interview w/Martha McCallum transcript, mostly complete except for first couple minutes.


Asked about EU reaction to elections–


"Angela Merkel is a complete phony" (rest was fairly benign)


Asked about Pope's recent immigration statements:

"The Pope is obviously infallible when he's talking about church doctrine, but when he's talking about politics, he's just dead wrong. This is, once again, he puts all the onus on the populist/nationalist movement. These people are good, decent people. They're not racists, they're not nativists, they're not xenophobes. The problems, these horrific problems in sub-Saharan Africa, and in north Africa, cannot be solved by working class people in southern Italy. That's what's been the problem, is that the Pope and the rest of these globalists, this kind of party of Davos, want all the problems to be solved by working class people, and they're who Salvini and Orban are speaking for. They say, hey look, we understand there's a huge problem. We have to work together to solve that problem IN sub-Saharan Africa or north Africa or the Middle East. Working class people in Hungary, in France, and in Italy can't solve it. And that's where the Pope continues, I think, to kind of exacerbate this problem. But the people voted. Salvini now, and Farage, very quickly could be prime ministers of their own countries."


Asked about his role in growing trend of populist/nationalism worldwide:


"This was a European victory, by Europeans. These leaders over here do not need Americans to come over and tell them how to run campaigns. Their strategy, their get out the vote, this was a European victory by the individual parties in those countries, and they should be very proud of that. The reason that the Trump campaign reached out to me in 2016 is that I've been working on this populist/nationalist program for about 10 years in the United States. I'm a colleague of these people, I'm a friend of these people, but I'm not an adviser. I'm just over here to help spread the message of populism and nationalism, and I'm glad that Merkel and Macron's heads blow up when I come over here to have my presence, and kind of root on, have a rooting interest, in these great political movements that are taking charge of Europe now."


Asked about when he left the White House, saying "that presidency is over", and whether he still believed that–


"I think it turned around. I think you saw the globalists at that time, you had a huge emphasis. That's when we didn't get a chance to build the wall, that's when we didn't get our trade deal, that's when we hadn't taken on China. If you look at the summer of 2017, it was kind of the doldrums. If you get a chance, you should read the book by Woodward. I actually tendered my resignation to General Kelly on August 7th and then left 10 days later. That was the doldrums. President Trump is now full on. He's building the wall, he's down there fighting the courts, he's doing a fantastic job in engaging on this economic war that China's been running on the United States, he's engaging the radical Communist Party in China, you know Pres Xi (did not catch the name he mentioned following Xi) these radicals that have taken control of China. You saw this great effort that he had in Japan over the last couple of days, which the MSM has focused on his Twitter feed. People in Asia are focused on how he has bound together the Japanese and American military and Navy, and sent a very strong signal to countries around the South China Sea that the Americans and the Japanese are going to work together to make sure those sea lanes are free. It was a very powerful couple of days for the President. I think the President's on fire right now, with his program back. He's completing the promises he made to the American people. That's why the economy's doing well, and I think that's why we're seeing an America First national security policy that the people understand."

Anonymous ID: f1bf2d May 28, 2019, 5:18 p.m. No.6612663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2823


Part 2 of 2


Asked about the 2020 election & effect of tariffs–


"Martha, this is another Project Fear on these tariffs. Okay, first off, the 3.2% economic growth, a big part of that came because he's shrinking the deficit with China. He's moving the supply chain back. That's one of the reasons unemployment's so low. Also, import prices are dropping. There's a number of articles out today about how this economic war we're engaging in now may actually be DEflationary. So this is the Fear Project of Wall Street. Remember, 3-4 weeks ago, they said the stock market's going to implode and take the economy down. It's a stone cold lie. The cheering section of Wall Street. They shipped the jobs to Asia, and President Trump's bringing 'em back. And everything the Fear Project said is absolutely wrong. You're gonna see the supply chain come back, and with that, high value-added manufacturing jobs."


Asked about the privately funded wall & whether it will continue that plan–


"Well, we've raised money to try and do those places. The President's got a billion and a half dollars held up in the courts. The federal government's got where they're going to build it. There are certain aspects that they're not gonna build. Brian Colfage (sp?) and Kris Kobach and others have raised this money. We're going to go around, we're already cutting deals all up and down the border, on private property, where the government's not going to build, we're going to be there and try to build the wall outside of El Paso, Texas right now, building the first batch of it, the first 3/4 of a mile, I think we're about 85% completed on the first 3/4 of a mile."


Martha: "I think it connected, I think 21 miles on either side, and cut off an area where people were coming through. It's a very interesting project. Last question, do you still wish you were at the White House, and do you still talk to the President?"


"No, I was very glad I did my one year for the campaign. I'm very happy outside. They're doing a terrific job. No, until the Mueller investigation is over, you know…"


Martha: "It IS over"


"No, well, talk to Jerry Nadler. I'm on the list to be subpoenaed to go up there. They've already got Don McGahn, Hope Hicks, and Andy McDowell, and Reince Priebus and I are the other two that have been named. When this thing's all over, I'll feel very comfortable about doing it. But while the Democrats are trying to weaponize the Mueller Report, there's no need for me to."

Anonymous ID: f1bf2d May 28, 2019, 5:37 p.m. No.6612823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2896


Bannon used the term Project Fear three times during that interview.


Was interdasted. Time for a quick dig, found a movie and a book by the same name.


Project Fear (2017) movie

"Four longtime friends take a vacation to the middle of nowhere for a weekend camping trip. One of the friends, a film school student, has been assigned the project of documenting 'fear,' using a medium of his choice. He instills fear in his friends by making them think that a wild animal is stalking them, documenting the growing tension with his camera. Little does he or the rest of the group know that out in the remote wilderness someone, or something, is hunting them for real…"


Project Fear (2001) book by Joe Pike

From page:

"As the clock struck 10 p.m. on Thursday 18 September 2014, polling stations across Scotland closed, signalling the end of two and a half bruising years of debate for the Yes and No campaigns. Dubbed ‘Project Fear’, the unique Better Together alliance was relieved as victory was secured and a weary and dejected Alex Salmond tendered his resignation. But the relief proved to be premature. Despite the defeat, the Scottish National Party grew in strength and gained unprecedented momentum, transforming its referendum failure into stunning general election success. The SNP went on to dominate the polls in Scotland, and the party’s tsunami surge of support created a dynamic new force in Westminster. Now, Joe Pike delves deep into the nail-biting back-room operations of the referendum’s No campaign, examining the striking shift in Scottish political attitudes and its effect on the most unpredictable election in a generation. Based on over fifty private interviews with those at the heart of the action, this exclusive account explores what really went on behind closed doors as Better Together kept a kingdom united, but left a country divided."


In a nutshell, Project Fear is shorthand for a strategized sowing of fear among the electorate to motivate votes based on those fears. The term came into use in the UK a few years ago.


Also see:

Anonymous ID: f1bf2d May 28, 2019, 5:51 p.m. No.6612934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2973



From this moment forward, I can only view the proven huckster and sociopath JZ Knight/Ramtha as a slide.


She made her stupid followers drink lye. That's drain cleaner.

She has about a thousand documented connections to the DNC.

The reason WHY is because they're all hucksters and frauds, too.

No doubt she's got her own Clinton Foundation-esque nonprofit corporation, too.

Every last one of them is only doing their thing to rip people off. End of story.


P.T. Barnum said it best, and everybody should remember it every day of their lives:

There's a sucker born every minute.

Anonymous ID: f1bf2d May 28, 2019, 5:54 p.m. No.6612964   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Schiff is such a comprehensive sleazebag.

He's also stupid. This is a legal move on par with "the dog ate my homework".


We have spent over two years digging up these people and finding out who they really are and what they represent.

Now it's time for us to remember what we learned.

Anonymous ID: f1bf2d May 28, 2019, 6:02 p.m. No.6613023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3035 >>3061 >>3089


Why, oh why, oh WHY

"You are watching a movie"

"Disinformation is necessary"

"What makes a good movie?"


Frens, you'll be a whole lot more comfy if you continually tell yourself those things.


Picture a tennis ball launcher, with balls firing out at top speed, and every single ball is disinfo.

That's what I'm seeing.

Hell, nobody's even paying ATTENTION to that UFO story.

The world isn't paying attention to MSM anymore. We're as tough as cheap overcooked steaks at this point.

Anonymous ID: f1bf2d May 28, 2019, 6:11 p.m. No.6613077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3118


Calling meme autists


Need a Jean-Claude Juncker meme with his instant classic from this weekend

"Those stupid nationalists! They're in love with their own countries!"


It was a watershed moment, when the entire planet knew this geezer was finished.