Anonymous ID: 29985b May 28, 2019, 6:22 p.m. No.6613180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3584 >>3830 >>3862

End of last bread request for sauce on Joseph Mifsud alias of Joseph Di Gabriele:


Devin Nunes' letter to POTUS:


"Nunes told Fox News over the weekend that Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee "plainly colluded" with the Russians to receive and disseminate false information about Trump, referring to the dossier's Democratic benefactors, which the FBI did not reveal to the FISA Court.


Nunes' letter specifically requests that Trump ask May about Maltese academic Joseph Mifsud, the man who told former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos the Russians had damaging information about Clinton. Papadopoulos later repeated this claim to Australian diplomat Alexander Downer, who informed the U.S. government and prompted the original counterintelligence investigation into Trump's campaign in July 2016.


"Describe any communications or relationship, if any, Joseph Mifsud (potentially also known as Joseph di Gabriele) has had with British intelligence and any information the British government possesses about Mifsud's connection to any other government or intelligence agency," Nunes wrote to Trump."

Anonymous ID: 29985b May 28, 2019, 6:35 p.m. No.6613300   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'm not wading into the MAGA coalition trainwreck with Neon Revolt or anybody else.

Decided to read the blog post, which was 95% the work of Giulio Occhionero. He's already done a year in jail for his trouble.


There was a whole lot of substance in what the man had to say.

It's a fact that the new guy in Rome fired the heads of Italian intel agencies.

Q has said that Italy is now cooperating.

The De Gennaro guy referred to is connected out the wazoo, and fits the role of the "Godfather".

We've dug on Link Campus extensively, which is apparently UK intel's favorite spook grad school and spy incubator.

That post is quite long, about an hour's read.

Only fair to give it a decent evaluation before forming an opinion on it, ticking off the known facts as you go.


Why did Occhionero contact Neon Revolt?

Maybe because he's been in jail, has been busy filing charges against his persecutors, and hasn't been dwelling on minor American social media personalities.

Anonymous ID: 29985b May 28, 2019, 7:09 p.m. No.6613622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3806


I'm patient only because I know how slow lawyers are.

Went through a divorce that took 18 months to complete.

This is much, much bigger than some random anon's divorce.

The size and scope of the legal strategy behind all this must be completely unprecedented and mind-boggling.

They have to do it right, because they will NOT get a second chance.

When was it that FBIanon showed up? 2016? So much has happened, and this experience has basically been a bachelor's degree in research and critical thinking.


In the meantime, two things will help:

  1. Learn to recognize and brush off disinformation.

  2. Step away from the internet and tick some projects off your to-do list.

Anonymous ID: 29985b May 28, 2019, 7:38 p.m. No.6613846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3862


I want to know why we've never dug on Maya Rockeymoore before tonight; we were told to "follow the wives". My, how very good Elijah and Maya have been for each others' careers and bank accounts.


5 Facts about Elijah Cummings’ Wife Maya Rockeymoore


Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland) was appointed chairman of House Oversight and Reform Committee, which has the power to subpoena the Trump administration. He’s married to Maya Rockeymoore, a force in the Maryland Democratic Party herself. Talk about a political power couple! An impressive woman, Maya Rockeymoore deserves the spotlight in her own right. The couple is being lauded for their work after Cummings’ appearance on CBS’ 60 Minutes.


She Was Appointed Chair of the Maryland Democratic Party


Maya Rockeymoore, 47, married Rep. Elijah Cummings in 2008. They don’t have any children together, although Cummings has three children from previous relationships.


A Texas native, Rockeymoore is the daughter of Hazel Brown Rockeymoore and U.S. Air Force soldier Thomas Charles Rockeymoore. Maya, her brother, Mark, and sister, Meredith, grew up in a military family with parents active in the community, in the Democratic party, and in their church.


Rockeymoore is more than just the longtime Congressman’s wife.


In 2018, Maryland Democrats elected Rockeymoore as party chair. Rockeymoore won the vote over incumbent, Kathleen Matthews, 438-319. With the Maryland governorship falling into Republican hands, there was much dissatisfaction against Matthews for losing the post to Rockeymoore.


She Ran for Maryland Governor


In 2017, Rockeymoore announced her bid for Maryland Governor, her first run for a public office. She was one of the two women and three African-American candidates in the Democratic primary.


She hoped to be the Democratic gubernatorial candidate against Gov. Larry Hogan in the 2018 elections. If elected to governor, she would have been the first woman and first black governor of Maryland.


She gained the endorsement of EMILY’s List, a pro-choice political action committee that aims to elect female candidates.


However, Rockeymoore suspended her campaign in January 2018 citing “personal considerations.” Not long after, it was announced her husband was hospitalized over health concerns.


Rep. Cummings had surgery to repair his aortic valve in 2017 and suffered a few complications weeks later. In December 2017, he was treated for an infection in his knee. However, Rockeymoore’s campaign did not elaborate if her husband’s health had anything to do with her dropping out of the race.


She Has a Doctorate from Purdue University


Though a novice in governance, Rockeymoore has an impressive academic background and experience with public policy. She proudly proclaims her HBCU education from Prairie View A&M University in Texas.


She graduated from PVAMU in 1993 with a bachelor’s degree in political science and government. She later acquired her master’s degree from Purdue University in Indiana, in 1996.


She went on to receive her PhD in political science from Purdue in 2000. At Purdue, she specialized in public policy, international relations, American politics, and African-American studies.


While pursuing her masters in Indiana, Rockeymoore served as an administrative assistant to the director at the Marion County Health Department. Soon after receiving her post-graduate degree, she came to Washington, D.C., where she gained experience in public policy.


She worked in the office of former Congressman Melvin Watt as a Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Fellow. She later joined the staff of the House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee.


From 1999 to 2000, Rockeymoore was a congressional aide and chief of staff in the office of Congressman Charles Rangel, the Representative for New York districts from 1971 to 2017.


Among her other accomplishments, she was a senior resident scholar with the National Urban League and vice president of research and programs for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.


In 2005, Rockeymoore established Global Policy Solutions, LLC, a Washington, D.C.-based firm. The team of consultants under Rockeymoore’s leadership works with corporate, philanthropic, academic, non-profit, and governmental entities to make policy work for people, communities, and the environment.


As the president and CEO of Global Policy Solutions, she works on public relations, analysis, strategy development, and securing grants and donors.


She has published numerous papers and contributed to publications on matters of health policies, social insurance, economic equality, women’s issues, and youth civic participation.


Her book, The Political Action Handbook: A How to Guide for the Hip Hop Generation, traced the influence of hip-hop on youth political activism.