Anonymous ID: 4af757 May 28, 2019, 6:40 p.m. No.6613349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3365 >>3407

>>6611272 /pb notables


Watch closely America. This is what happens in a nation where the socialists are in power and full slaves of the globalist scum. Our so-called "Prime" Minister is a traitor, his father was Canada's Number One Traitor - our woodrow wilson - and like wilson, turned Canadians into debt-slaves to globalist scum who firmly believe they have the right to control all the money in the world and they will kill to keep that control.


The majority of Canadians want baby trudeau gone completely from public view. Just know that. If he and his slimy globalist scum buddies don't lose the election this fall then it was fixed. Legally there is no way he can win but hey, treason is in his genes and he cares nothing for the people of Canada. He cares for the Aga Khan and whatever his owners tell him he has to do…but he doesn't care about Canadians. Sadly, though, our "conservatives" are more like rino's and also under the sway of globalist scum and money suckers but perhaps there could be some hope unless the other socialist parties like the ndp or the greens gain simply because we don't have many real Conservatives.


ms, fascist-book, of course they will interfere. They are so afraid that what President Trump is doing in America is going to change Canada…it will, but in President Trump's second term, and we can get all the braindead snowflakes out of Canada's current anti-Canadian/pro-globabalist/pro-illegal immigrant/pro-debt government and start to live again.

Anonymous ID: 4af757 May 28, 2019, 6:58 p.m. No.6613535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3656

>>6611346 /pb notables

Should be written: cece telfer, a biological male CHEATER won a race against biological females in a con.


A man (or a woman) can take all the hormone altering drugs they want they will never "become" the other gender.


It is horribly unfair for a cheater to even participate with the others "HE" is cheating. He can change is facade, but he will never be of the female gender simply because of the things that cannot be changed.


A male can never have the skeletal structure of female - and vice-versa.


The female skeletal structure - and attached muscle structure - is based on a pelvic girdle that is angled forward and down and expansive and bowl-like as it is designed to be able to carry another human through gestation, an angle that impacts the hip joint, the knees, ankles and lower spine; it controls how a female runs, how her muscles connect to her frame and work; and it is absolute CHEATING for a male to compete against a female.


A male's pelvic girdle is more horizontal, hip joins in a different manner and a male deals with gravity completely different than a female and a males musculature connects with the different skeletal structure in a different manner - only logical since the angles of the bones are different.


All the braindead sanctimonious anti-science, anti-reality, anti-truth sub-intellect snowflakes and socialists that continue to spew their idiocy that males competing against females because the moron chopped his dick off and injected a bunch of estrogen that he's now a female are truly wastes of oxygen and should not be allowed out of the house to protect the public from them and keep them to themselves.


Disgusting just seems not strong enough but a disgusting CHEATER is closer.

Anonymous ID: 4af757 May 28, 2019, 7:23 p.m. No.6613735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3752 >>3788


Kennedy's Executive Order gave the US Treasury to issue Silver Certificates in the value of One Dollar. They were legal tender and they looked exactly like Lincoln's "greenbacks" but the seal was a different color and the bills stated "United States Note" and not the globalist "Federal Reserve Note." Kennedy was killed and accused afterwards by Johnson of producing "counterfeit" currency.



Anonymous ID: 4af757 May 28, 2019, 7:42 p.m. No.6613881   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kennedy's plan was to have the United States Note available as an alternative to whomever wanted to use it. He wasn't intending on doing anything to the corrupt fed or their globalist owners and he didn't even want to end the dollar. He intended that the new United States Notes, a national debt-free currency as it was owned by the government the way money used to be owned before woodrow wilson, and it was "Legal Tender" so all stores and businesses had to accept it and provide "change" in that currency as well.


That way it was left up to the market. If people and businesses wanted to use it instead of the debt-currency - federal reserve note - and keep the wealth of the nation in the nation then that was up to businesses and people. Kennedy intended to only use United States Notes for all government payments and contracts and infrastructure etc., sort of like China last year announcing they would only use their own currency to purchase oil.


Of course (((they))) will try to do to President Trump what they did to President Kennedy and his brother but if the Military can keep President Trump alive long enough - should really only take about 6 months - then the federal reserve toilet paper will simply cease to exist. Once the American Taxpayer is no longer paying for the globalists yachts and mansions and kiddie-fiddling parties, they will just die away while the rest of the world prospers.