Anonymous ID: 4b681d May 28, 2019, 7:06 p.m. No.6613607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3638 >>3736

Did the article about Julian being at the Prison Ward that was translated ever make it to Notables? I don't do the notables-nomination thing.

but it did seem notable that Julian was said to be in a Prison Ward, meaning hospital bed. I could post back to the earlier bread where we posted a translation.


>>6609010 (pb)

Anonymous ID: 4b681d May 28, 2019, 7:15 p.m. No.6613677   🗄️.is 🔗kun


TY for this.

as well it's designed to seem like 'it ain't anything' and just be the normal process, within the law.

so that there is none of what the cabal thrives on and feeds off of.


that's an awesome plan! The war that isn't a cabal war.

We don't fight them in the way that they had designed for us off of which they profiteer.


and we say 'what do you mean we're doing what?'

as if they never had a reign at all, like what the ancient eygptians did to the monuments and tombs of Akhenaten.

Anonymous ID: 4b681d May 28, 2019, 7:25 p.m. No.6613749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3830 >>3862






translation (as a cache from Giggles):

translation of first part says 'prison ward' which means he's in the hospital part of the prison?


here is what I got from Google cached here to keep down the traffic (so it's a good thing that we cache it here):


"READ MORE: Updated article here - Negotiation in Uppsala as planned


Uppsala District Court has booked a detention hearing against Julian Assange on Monday morning. He is imprisoned in the Belmarsh prison in Britain for violating the country's guarantor. The detention hearing in Uppsala will be held in Assange's absence


Last Friday, Assange's Swedish defender, lawyer Per E Samuelson, visited his client in prison. In a letter to Uppsala District Court, the lawyer says that they met for just under two hours. According to the lawyer, Assange's state of health at the meeting was such that "a normal conversation with him was not possible". Julian Assange is said to have been taken to the prison's ward, but there is no more detailed information about his state of health. According to the letter, the lawyer and Assange could "only to a limited extent" talk about the forthcoming arrest hearing and Assange's attitude to the suspicions."


end if partial translation.

Anonymous ID: 4b681d May 28, 2019, 7:32 p.m. No.6613808   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you could make it like a martini glass and have an olive in it., and to make it clearer juxtipose a dog wearing one (or a bunch of dogs wearing one)

an olive, and a stirer and captcha doggies.


and a caption that says 'no, joe, it's so you never go with out a fresh drink'