Anonymous ID: 4b8771 May 28, 2019, 6:29 p.m. No.6613251   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Your so FKing gullible its sicking…was it something like this the military is working on


500 drones create stunning light show on AI-driven future

Anonymous ID: 4b8771 May 28, 2019, 6:38 p.m. No.6613326   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Remember this


Secret Service agents under fire for taking selfies with Trump’s grandson


wo Secret Service agents are under investigation for snapping selfies with President Trump’s 8-year-old grandson last weekend, according to a new report.


The agents are assigned to watch over Donald III and were driving the boy to Manhattan from Westchester County, where the Trump family has an estate, Mother Jones reported early Thursday.


Donald III had fallen asleep on the ride and that’s when the agents began taking selfies with him, causing him to wake up.


The boy — one of five kids of Donald Trump Jr. and wife Vanessa — was “freaked out” by the stunt, a source told Mother Jones.


He told his mom what had happened when he got home and the issue was quickly taken up by top management at the Secret Service.


The agency confirmed that the agents are being probed for abandoning their post

Anonymous ID: 4b8771 May 28, 2019, 6:53 p.m. No.6613474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3540

#Resistance in meltdown after Navy airmen seen wearing ‘MAGA’- themed patches


Critics of US President Donald Trump were enraged after American Navy airmen appeared in photos wearing ‘morale patches’ featuring a spinoff of Trump’s campaign slogan, and his cartoon likeness.


Navy airmen from the USS Wasp donned the patches, which read “Make Aircrew Great Again,” in preparation for a visit from President Trump, who delivered a speech for Memorial Day while aboard. The ship is docked in Japan.


Though the photos depict a group of grinning soldiers displaying the insignia, the reaction was not all smiles.


Airmen onboard the USS WASP wearing patches on their jumpsuits that read “Make Aircrew Great Again.” The patches include an image in the center in the likeness of President Trump.

— Vivian Salama (@vmsalama) May 28, 2019


In response to the photos, many of the critics of Donald Trump poured outrage at the troops, who they said were acting as propagandists for the president.


“Pretty hard to respect the military when they are used as propaganda,” one user commented; another added that the soldiers needed “deprogramming.”

Anonymous ID: 4b8771 May 28, 2019, 6:58 p.m. No.6613533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3584 >>3623 >>3830 >>3862

US Border Wall Fundraiser Leader: We Received Death Threats Against Our Team


USAF veteran Brian Kolfage, who began a GoFundMe fundraiser that raised $22 million for partial construction of a wall along the US - Mexico border wall spoke about this project and US immigration policy.


A private group that has raised over $22 million for partial construction of a wall along the US’ Southern border announced that the first section of the wall was completed in three days near the Texas-New Mexico border with a post on their Facebook page on Monday.


We Build The Wall, a group founded by a triple amputee USAF veteran Brian Kolfage, began a GoFundMe fundraiser in December 2018, just days before the US government shut down. Now, according to a series of social media posts on Monday, the group has started construction on private property in New Mexico and has already announced the completion of the first section.


Their announcement comes days after a federal judge blocked President Donald Trump from tapping into billions of Defence Department funds for his administration's wall construction efforts. Sputnik spoke to Brian Kolfage about this project and US immigration policy.

Anonymous ID: 4b8771 May 28, 2019, 7:07 p.m. No.6613610   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DHS assessment of foreign VPN apps finds security risk real, data lacking


The risk posed by foreign-made virtual private network (VPN) applications must be accounted for — even if government device users have avoided such apps — because adversaries are interested in exploiting the software, according to a senior Department of Homeland Security official.


“Open-source reporting indicates nation-state actors have demonstrated intent and capability to leverage VPN services and vulnerable users for malicious purposes,” Chris Krebs, director of DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), wrote in a May 22 letter to Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., obtained by CyberScoop. There is no overarching U.S. policy preventing government mobile device users from downloading foreign VPN apps, according to Krebs.


“Even with the implementation of technical solutions, if a U.S. government employee downloaded a foreign VPN application originating from an adversary nation, foreign exploitation of that data would be somewhat or highly likely,” Krebs wrote. “This exploitation could lead to loss of data integrity and confidentiality of communications transmitted over the application.” Exposed phone data would likely include geolocation, contacts, and user history, he added.

Anonymous ID: 4b8771 May 28, 2019, 7:09 p.m. No.6613627   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US scientist Turab Lookman pleads not guilty to lying about contact with Chinese state programme that recruits foreign talent


A long-time scientist for a US laboratory in New Mexico pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to charges that he lied about contacts he had with a state-run programme in China that seeks to draw foreign-educated talent.

Turab Lookman, who lives in Santa Fe and until recently worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratory – tasked with securing the nation’s nuclear stockpile, conducting research and reducing weapons threats – entered the plea to charges of making false statements during a federal detention hearing in Albuquerque.

A judge decided that Lookman could be released while he awaits trial on a US$50,000 secured bond, despite a federal prosecutor’s argument that he posed a potential security threat if he tried to flee the country.

Anonymous ID: 4b8771 May 28, 2019, 7:15 p.m. No.6613676   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Defiant Greek PM Tsipras Rallies Supporters for July 7 Snap Elections


Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras urged his SYRIZA party on Monday to regroup and heed the message of voters ahead of snap national elections he called after his ruling SYRIZA party suffered a resounding defeat in the European and local elections.


The spokesman of the Greek Government Dimitris Tzanakopoulos, speaking with Alpha TV on Tuesday evening, confirmed that the elections will be held on July 7, and not June 30, as originally thought.


According to reports, Tsipras spoke with Education Minister Kostas Gavroglou who recommended Sunday, July 7, as the day for national elections, as the schools which become polling stations host university entrance exams, which end on July 2.


“SYRIZA lost a battle, but the war still lies ahead,” Tsipras declared, addressing the Central Committee meeting of SYRIZA, “and we have neither the luxury nor the right to back down.”


Thanking the voters who supported him, Tsipras said he had received the message sent in the Europarliament elections, where his party received only 23.79 percent of the vote behind main opposition New Democracy’s 33.19 percent.

Anonymous ID: 4b8771 May 28, 2019, 7:18 p.m. No.6613700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3763 >>3830 >>3846 >>3862

Democrat Rep. Cummings Fights Back After He and His Wife Accused of Massive Pay-to-Play Scandal


Last week it was first reported by the Washington Examiner that a charity run by Maya Rockeymoore, the wife of Rep. Elijah Cummings, received millions from special interest groups and corporations that had business before her husband’s committee.


Democrat Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee was in very poor financial condition and heavily in debt due to unpaid child support to three women he had children with — until the last 10 years or so after he married his young, politically connected wife, Maya Rockeymoore.


Cummings blasted a complaint to the IRS against his wife as “baseless,” and partisan in a statement to Fox News.


“These baseless claims come from a group funded by right-wing mega-donors known for their political hit jobs,” Cummings said in a statement to Fox News. “I am confident that they will be exposed for what they really are – a fabricated distraction from the important work being done on behalf of Americans, such as lowering the skyrocketing prices of prescription drugs.”

Anonymous ID: 4b8771 May 28, 2019, 7:23 p.m. No.6613738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3777

WATCH: About 80 students involved in altercation, lockdown with police at CA high school


Bear Creek High School was placed on lockdown Friday morning after as many as 80 students were involved in a physical altercation with police as they detained one student for fighting with staff.

An unruly student was reported to have been uncooperative and fighting school staff and a school resource officer about 10:46 a.m. at the campus, located at 10555 Thornton Road in north Stockton.


When Stockton police arrived to detain the subject, the student instead resisted and the commotion drew the attention of about 80 other students, authorities said.

Anonymous ID: 4b8771 May 28, 2019, 7:27 p.m. No.6613766   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maryland Gov. Hogan vetoes bill that would have abolished handgun board


Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan announced Friday that he’s vetoing a bill that would have dissolved the state’s Handgun Permit Review Board, while allowing another measure to become law that creates a first-in-the-nation statewide ban on foam food and drink containers.


Hogan’s office announced the decisions as the Republican governor attended events on the Eastern Shore to kick off the summer tourist season. By law, Hogan had until Friday to make decisions on hundreds of bills the Maryland General Assembly approved this year.


In a letter to the Democratic leaders of the legislature, Hogan attacked the idea of eliminating the Handgun Permit Review Board, which hears appeals of Maryland State Police decisions on applications from handgun owners for permission to carry their guns. He said eliminating the board wouldn’t prevent violent crime.


“It is just another in a long series of politically motivated and ill-conceived power grabs,” Hogan wrote.


Critics of the board, which is supposed to be made up of five civilians, say it’s too permissive in granting previously denied permits. The board routinely modifies or overturns state police decisions, allowing most people who appeal to carry handguns with few restrictions.

Anonymous ID: 4b8771 May 28, 2019, 7:33 p.m. No.6613814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3863

The Police State has arrived and nobody noticed


Law Enforcement's National Threat Assessment Program Predicts If You Pose A Future Threat


It has been nearly two years, since I reported on the dangers of creating a law enforcement run Mental Health Assessment (MHA) program. In Texas, police use MHA's to "screen" every person they have arrested for mental illness.


But the TAPS Act, first introduced in January, would take law enforcement screenings to a whole new level. It would create a national threat assessment of children and adults.


In the course of six months the Threat Assessment, Prevention and Safety (TAPS) Act (H.R. 838) has seen support of the bill grow to nearly 80 Congress members.


National Threat Assessment Program announced during National Police Week


Politicians are master manipulators. What better way to garner public support for a national threat assessment program than to introduce it during National Police Week.


And who better to pick than Congresswoman Katie Hill who laid it on thick, as a KHTS article revealed.


“We do this first to honor the sacrifice of these men and women in blue, who put their life on the line every single day to protect us in the vital role that law enforcement plays in the safety and well-being of our communities and our districts,” said Babin in his opening statement. “And secondly to highlight a bipartisan solution — that we all are working on — to protect our communities and schools from the terrible acts of violence that we have seen, and are getting to be almost routine.”


The TAPS Act would encourage law enforcement to give everyone a personal threat assessment (kids and adults) and single out those that they deem as future threats. (Click here to see how our homes a given threat assessments.)


"By bringing threat assessment experts together, and utilizing evidence-based behavioral threat assessment and management processes, we can bolster public safety by implementing strategies to identify and stop dangerous individuals before they can commit an act of violence. We have the expertise to combat the targeted violence plaguing our schools, places of worship, and public spaces, but we have yet to fully implement it to prevent attacks."


The TAPS Act has all the earmarks of a paranoid police state that considers everyone a potential threat.


The TAPS Act will create a "Joint Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Task Force to identify individuals that exhibit patterns of dangerous behavior that MAY precede an act of targeted violence."


According to Senators Marco Rubio, Kyrsten Sinemea and Thom Tillis, the TAPS Act will create a national behavioral threat assessment and management process for everyone.

Anonymous ID: 4b8771 May 28, 2019, 7:37 p.m. No.6613841   🗄️.is 🔗kun

London Bridge Terrorist Was Previously Hired to Investigate “Suspicious Packages”


One of the London Bridge terrorists who killed eight people and injured 48 others during a brutal attack in June 2017 was previously hired by Transport For London as a security guard and was tasked with investigating “suspicious packages”.


On the evening of June 3rd, 2017, a van was deliberately driven into pedestrians on London Bridge by three Islamic terrorists. The killers then proceeded to run into nearby Borough Market, a very busy area full of bars, before stabbing people in restaurants and pubs.


Many harrowing stories of how the terrorists killed their victims have come to light in recent weeks during an inquest into the attack. Stories of bravery and heroism have also emerged.


However, perhaps the most absurd detail is what one of the terrorists, Khuram Butt, did as a job before launching his personal jihad.


“TfL hired London Bridge terrorist Khuram Butt in 2016, just months after he appeared on ‘The Jihadi Next Door’ TV programme on Channel 4. He was responsible for investigating security concerns such as suspicious packages,” tweeted CourtNewsUK.


That’s right. In Clown World UK, the future terrorist was hired to stop terrorism.


The Jihadi Next Door is a television show wherein “film-maker Jamie Roberts meets those spreading extremist Islamic fundamentalism in Britain”.


Maybe someone should have told TfL that an Islamic extremist is probably not the ideal candidate for a job which entails preventing attacks by Islamic extremists.


But then again, this is the UK, which is no longer a country – it’s a meme.