Anonymous ID: 4d035b May 28, 2019, 7:01 p.m. No.6613561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3614 >>3677


I am with you and have had to spend a little more time off the board. I see it happening daily but you have to understand this is global in nature. May out, Italian Intel out, Macron soon, Merkel soon, EU elections a total FU to the cabal, NK done, China way past where it appears, Iran soon. They have to clean up the clown spots around the globe, and they are. I want to see perp walks and death penalty too but the evil is everywhere and we cannot just bust some people here so they can reconvene somewhere else. Take a little time and get outside. Mountains, beach wherever you can. The brainwashing has been long and strong but the lie will be shown and people will see the truth. You got this!