Anonymous ID: 555193 May 28, 2019, 6:44 p.m. No.6613386   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It is astonishing that Dem pols like Warner assert that Intel agencies, DoJ, etc operate independently of the Executive branch and under no authority whatsoever.


EO 13526 clearly and unambiguously defines who is the ultimate authority on anything and everything classified. That would be POTUS.


Two days ago, the seditious traitor Brennan was making the case, e.g. that Congress should interfere with executive authority on classification matters (when in fact Congress has has ZERO classification authority).


That Brennan is advocating this is quod erat demonstratum that he is seditious and should be in jail. Warner on the other hand is merely demonstrating that he is a bought and sold tool and is probably being blackmailed by agencies.


What we are seeing here is that there are very dangerous and seditious powers still hard at work. They have had their treasonous and unconstitutional domestic influence for decades now, and they're turning up the heat and actually openly espousing sedition.


JFK knew this. Later, Clinton and Obama were their boot licking bitches, if not entirely their creations. HRC cooperates with these powers with the most criminal of intentions (Chicago/Hot Springs mafias).


DECLAS is causing them to reveal their corruption.