Anonymous ID: 613b04 May 28, 2019, 6:45 p.m. No.6613395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3438 >>3440 >>3450 >>3458 >>3459 >>3483 >>3492 >>3520 >>3537 >>3557 >>3561 >>3569 >>3597 >>3613 >>3622 >>3629 >>3658 >>3685 >>3747 >>3784 >>3785 >>3818 >>3854 >>3877 >>3887

Anons I’m asking advice, please respond reasonably: I almost at my breaking point, I really want truth to be revealed. I want this and our work revealed to those who will wake up to wake up.


I’m tired of reading all the spin where the complicit, the evil, the treasonous get to weigh in on what’s happening.


I guess what I’m asking, how y’all are so patient for these sleezbags to get their judgement. And before you tell me I’m

Not strong in spirit, I know I am.


Please give me some objective guidance, no name calling and shit. I’m am strong as you, I simply need to know another method to deal With this nonsense. How in the hell does anyone with an education believe these liars?

Anonymous ID: 613b04 May 28, 2019, 7:16 p.m. No.6613685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3734 >>3907


To all my brothers and possible sisters that responded to me, I’m blown away with your wisdom and love, the immensity of heart on this board is beyond belief. I don’t cry often, I rarely cry, but I’m crying because of the wisdom, love and comfort you have given me. Each and every message was meaningful, I hope my question helped those who could not ask it. I love you guys, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for true anons and autists. I hope at sometime, I can be there for you