Anonymous ID: 71634d May 28, 2019, 6:46 p.m. No.6613404   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Two Cardinals Break Ranks With Pope Francis And Warn The Death Of Western Civilization Is Ahead While Also Claiming 'Mass Immigration' Really Is An 'Islamic Invasion'


  • It's Not 'Hate' To Call Out The Barbaric & Oppressive Politics Of 'Islam'


In this May 24th story over at Infowars, Paul Joseph Watson reports upon a rarety in 2019: a US Cardinal in the Catholic Church is warning that resisting large-scale immigration from Muslim countries "is the responsible exercise of one's patriotism", remarks that are already triggering liberals.


While in 'politically correct America' in 2019, criticism of Islam or the 'gay agenda' is often called 'hate speech', as Cardinal Raymond Burke correctly points out, Islam, by its very definition, "believes itself to be destined to rule the world”. Warning that many Muslims move to European nations because they are “opportunists”, Cardinal Burke also warned that the very existence of Islamic 'no go zones' is proof that many Muslims could care less about 'the rule of law' in the countries they are moving into and have every intention of imposing their own 'law', sharia, which is really 'tyranny'.


With it now a crime in Islamo-fascist Europe to speak the truth about Islam's prophet Mohammed being a pedophile after a European high court last year upheld the criminal conviction of a 47-year old woman who correctly pointed out that Mohammed had married a 6-year-old girl, while twitter has warned prominent Conservative figures that some of their tweets violate Pakistan's blasphemy laws, it's not too much of a stretch to suggest the globalists are attempting to impose Islamic law upon us all now. Why is an American company concerned with Americans violating Pakistan's law? Much more below but first, from this Infowars story from Cardinal Raymond Burke.:


“To resist large-scale Muslim immigration, in my judgment, is to be responsible in the sense of making sure that those who are immigrating to the country – remember that the definition of the Church’s teaching is that the individuals are not able to find a way of living in their own country and this is not true of immigrants who come who are opportunists, and in particular in the case of Islam, which by its definition believes itself to be destined to rule the world — coming in large numbers to countries,” said Burke, adding, “You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see what’s happened.”


Pointing to the existence of Islamic no-go zones where “Muslim immigrants have set up their own legal order,” Burke said opposing the spread of this is patriotic.


“And so, to be opposed to wholesale, or large-scale Muslim immigration is, in fact, as far as I’m concerned, the responsible exercise of one’s patriotism in the sense that we — yes, people are true refugees who can’t live in their own country we must receive them and help them in every way. But this is not the case when you have simply a large-scale immigration,” he said.


Fortunately, Cardinal Burke isn't the only Catholic Cardinal pointing out the 'truth before our eyes' that so many are missing and despite Pope Francis urging European nations to take in as many illegal immigrants as they can, Cardinal Robert Sarah was even more forceful in his comments, condemning the Pope for using the Word of God to promote illegal immigration and the overthrow of nations.


“It is a false exegesis to use the word of God to promote migration.”


Sarah also said that Europe was dying because people had stopped having children and had lost its sense of origin.


“I’m afraid that the West will die,” said Sarah, adding that it was being invaded by other cultures that would soon dominate.


On April 9th of 2019, the Tennessee Star put out a story titled "Commentary: Cardinal Robert Sarah Warns the West Will Disappear" within which Cardinal Sarah tells us why he knows what he's talking about; he, pictured above, is from a majority Muslim nation.


Cardinal Robert Sarah, the Vatican’s prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, has issued a stark warning to all inheritors of Europe’s Judeo-Christian culture: The “West will disappear” as a result of mass migration and “Islam will invade the world” and “completely change culture, anthropology, and moral vision” unless we bend the arc of our culture back toward its Judeo-Christian roots.

Anonymous ID: 71634d May 28, 2019, 6:50 p.m. No.6613444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3831

The Equal Justice Tour: Patriots Protest at Hildabeast's House Calling Attention to Her Crimes and Demanding JUSTICE!!!




Something happened this weekend that is just too big to ignore, although It is unlikely that you will see any mention of this event on the evening news or read about it in newspapers. A spirited group of American patriots, many traveling from several hundred miles away, gathered in Chappaqua, New York, the hometown of Hillary Clinton, to demand that justice – equal justice be restored to our nation.


The Equal Justice Tour kicked off in Chappaqua, New York, where citizens assembled outside the home of Hillary Rodham Clinton on Sunday, May 26, 2019, to call attention to her illegal activities as documented by FBI Director James Comey during her tenure as Secretary of State.


As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton used an unauthorized, unsecured server to store, send and receive classified emails, exposing some of the nation’s most sensitive information to hostile foreign powers. She deleted tens of thousands of emails, used software to irretrievably erase the server, and physically destroyed computer and telephone hardware while under FBI investigation. Despite the obvious violations of law, Clinton was “exonerated” by former FBI Director James Comey on July 5, 2016.


Hillary Clinton was also Secretary of State during the September 11, 2012 attack on the State Department sanctioned CIA compound in Benghazi, Libya, where four Americans, including a US Ambassador, were murdered. It was during the congressional hearings about Benghazi that her personal server was discovered.


For the first time in nearly two decades, Hillary Clinton was publicly called out at her home and on her home turf by Americans concerned about restoring America to the principles of our Founders and the US Constitution. By all accounts, Hillary Clinton took notice as did so many others in Chappaqua and beyond.


At the time of this report, at least one member of the US Department of Justice was aware of the events of The Equal Justice Tour this weekend and the demand for action on the part of the Department of Justice to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton.