Anonymous ID: caabdd May 28, 2019, 6:48 p.m. No.6613428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3593

I hope anons will endure with patience my frequent posts about vaccines. I will not be silent until this crime against humanity is addressed, the perpetrators prosecuted (or executed), and suffering people receive meaningful relief. Children's Health Defense does great work investigating the real science and providing truthful reporting of vaccine dangers. I have been aware of issues with acellular pertussis vaccines for some time. This piece by Children's Health Defense explains (using referenced research articles) why acellular pertussis vaccine is not effective in preventing pertussis.


This shocking paragraph explains (to quote): "children receiving the vaccine have 15x the risk of contracting Pertussis than unvaccinated children. This is why California schools are now suffering a Pertussis outbreak (3,455 cases in 2018 compared to 14 Measles cases) affecting only vaccinated children. Moreover, vaccinated children are symptotic (symptomatic?) carriers spreading the disease among their classmates."


Contrast the truthful, detailed and scientifically supported information contained in the link to the Children's Health Defense article with the deliberate lies on the CDC web site. Lies about medically risky vaccines have the potential to cause death or disability. The CDC has been shown to be a pharmaceutical company. False advertising should not be tolerated by a fictitious entity masquerading as an independent government agency charged with protecting the health of Americans.

Anonymous ID: caabdd May 28, 2019, 7:03 p.m. No.6613583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3800


I haven't followed Jordan's work for very long. I "get" the concern about "paytriots" but I also know a person needs to support themselves. I sometimes struggle about wanting to be free to ONLY research and share the results. My income was PATHETIC last year and only based on "wage slave" work with a lot of very menial tasks (about $13,000 all year). I am glad to share a lot of information for free (truth about God and some other red-pills) but I'd dearly love to make a living helping people with their diet an lifestyle. I appreciate Jordan because it is refreshing and encouraging to see someone my children's age open minded about what is REALLY going on in the world and not brain-washed on PC garbage. As a Christian, I have some different perspectives than he does, but I really appreciate his willingness to discuss truth, especially about vaccines. Perhaps he's found his role in sharing with a broad audience, maybe even people his own age. I don't mind if he makes money to support himself if he is doing so honestly. I don't know enough about the UFO things to comment a whole lot, but Jordan's vaccine content is appreciated.

Anonymous ID: caabdd May 28, 2019, 7:18 p.m. No.6613693   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think it could be but I don't really know if the results will end up being bad. Seems like a "cleansing" to me. Conventiallly raised crops in the US (wheat and oats) are dried down with glyphosate and GMO crops are grown with it. It freaks me out how much glyphosate we have going into our food and bodies. NHL (Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma) is only the tip of the ice berg. Evidence links glyphosate based herbicides to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, kidney disease, autism and many gut issues. If we go without the contaminated crops for a while (the areas of rain seem to correlate pretty well with high glyphosate use areas) it can only be good, though bad for farmers in the short run. We need lots of smaller, resilient producers and not the mega-farms only growing corn or soy, or perhaps alfalfa but mostly corn or soy or corn or soy.

Anonymous ID: caabdd May 28, 2019, 7:22 p.m. No.6613731   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Huh?! Was there something lost in translation here? Though she was probably just trying to say her risk of cancer is lower (it may be), it sounds like advocating for the use of the blood of vegans for this purpose. If you are VEGAN how do you ever use BLOOD as a cure, unless you are simply referring to the health of your own blood.