Anonymous ID: d5522f May 28, 2019, 7:16 p.m. No.6613682   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3699 >>3731

Notables/news More madness from the Greens


Swiss Green party candidate claims Vegan blood can kill cancer cells!


While talking about the Vegan diet, model and Green party candidate for general elections in Switzerland Tamy Glauser said vegan blood is able to kill cancer cells, on Instagram.


She is convinced that she is better protected from cancer than non-vegans. Her Instagram-posts misstates a U.S. study and reads: “Nature heals everything. For example, vegan blood can kill cancer cells.”


The study she was referring to only talked about a possible increased risk of colon cancer through meat consumption and processed foods. Vegans were not mentioned.


Following the post she was harshly criticized as many Instagram users pointed out the pseudo-science.


One user wrote: “A future member of the National Council, who spreads such unscientific nonsense. You aren’t serious, are you?”


Ori Schipper of the Cancer Research Switzerland was not pleased by the statements. He says: “Unfortunately, cancer is an often unpredictable disease that arises from random mutations and can therefore affect people who have always valued their health.”


According to the research a Vegan diet may lower the risk of cancer however in some Vegan circles this is taken as a guarantee.


They also believe people not following this lifestyle are about eight times more likely to get cancer.


Glauser refused to comment on questions by the Swiss newspaper 20 Minuten. She only replied to the question of what she thinks of non-vegans: “I believe it is important for people to be informed and then everyone has to decide for themselves.”


-How long before AOC starts spiting this preposterous nonsense I wonder?

Anonymous ID: d5522f May 28, 2019, 7:20 p.m. No.6613707   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Iran to transfer $500K to families of Gaza jihad terrorists.


Their economy is in the toilet. Unemployment rate is close to 30% among young Iranians and over 40% among university graduate and their priority is genocide.And this is who the Democrats are fighting for.


Iran’s economy was badly affected for several years by sanctions imposed by the international community over the country’s nuclear programme. And still, they fund war.


A-Risalah Net, a site affiliated with the Hamas terror organization, on Tuesday morning said Iran has agreed to pay Gazan “martyrs'” families a total of half a million dollars.


The 1,700 families will receive a one-time grant through Iran’s “Palestinian Martyr” fund, intended to compensate for the cuts in their salaries.


Though the Palestinian Authority pays its own terrorists full salaries, it cut the salaries of 1,700 terrorists’ families and 2,000 prisoners and wounded from Gaza.


The sources told A-Risalah that the move may include additional things, but did not explain.


According to the report, sources in the Organization’s Committee for the Ifter-Meal (at the conclusion of Ramadan) told the International Conference for Aiding the Intifada that Iran on Thursday will announce aid for the families.


Other reports claim that the Palestinian Authority will pay PA and Gaza employees 60% of their salaries, but will continue paying terrorists – who it calls “martyrs” their full salaries.



Anonymous ID: d5522f May 28, 2019, 7:25 p.m. No.6613746   🗄️.is đź”—kun



The Pentagon is Trying to Secure Its Networks Against Quantum Codebreakers


The Defense Information Systems Agency is exploring new encryption strategies that could withstand an attack from quantum computers.


Advances in quantum computing could render the government’s strongest encryption systems obsolete, and the Defense Department is trying to get ahead of the curve.


The Defense Information Systems Agency is asking security researchers to share ideas for protecting the Pentagon’s IT infrastructure against quantum computers. Though today’s quantum systems are still in their infancy, military officials worry their more powerful successors will be able to easily crack the codes used to secure military networks today.


“The exact time of the arrival of the quantum-computing era is unknown,” DISA officials wrote in the solicitation. “However, [the Defense Department] must begin now to prepare its information security systems to be able to resist attacks from large-scale quantum computers.”


Like most organizations, the Pentagon relies on public-key encryption to mask the data and activity on its networks from online intruders. The process involves lots of math, but in basic terms, it uses algorithms to generate complex digital “keys” that allow people on the network to unlock encrypted information. The system is so strong that today’s most powerful computers could take billions, if not trillions, of years to crack the code.


Related: Tomorrow’s Quantum Computers Are Already Threatening Today’s Data

But quantum computers, which will be exponentially more powerful than the fastest supercomputers on Earth today, would make short work of traditional cryptography, DISA officials said. As such, they want to bolster the Pentagon’s network security before adversaries can get their hands on the tech.


Per the solicitation, DISA is looking for white papers that outline novel encryption algorithms that could withstand attacks from quantum and classical computers. After reviewing proposals, the agency plans to award Other Transaction Authority contracts to build a working prototype of the system.


While thwarting quantum codebreakers is the ultimate goal, the prototype must also be able to function across the Pentagon’s current IT ecosystem. DISA officials plan to assess the system on its technical feasibility and other factors, including how long it takes to generate keys locally on department devices and the amount of hardware and software needed to support the system across the enterprise.


Beyond military applications, they said, the effort could ultimately help inform industry standards for encryption.

Anonymous ID: d5522f May 28, 2019, 7:30 p.m. No.6613792   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3830 >>3853 >>3862

Something interdasting for the space/milanons



11TH JUNE TO 12TH JUNE 2019,





SMi Group, the organisers of Global MilSatCom are proud to announce the Military Space USA Conference will take place in Los Angeles, June 11th and 12th 2019 – a key calendar meeting for Military Satellite professionals that are driving innovation across the space enterprise.


Featuring high level briefings from senior leadership across industry, government and allied partner states, Military Space USA will explore how organisational efforts such as SMC 2.0 are facilitating the space supremacy that is demanded by the warfighter.


Additionally, the conference will provide a forum for senior military and industry authorities to collaborate in the development, acquisition, deployment and sustainability of space-enabled communications that support allied objectives.


Exploring both provision of SATCOM and PNT, EO, COMSATCOM, Remote Sensing and Small Satellite Expansion – along with an assessment of the SSA and SST implications of these systems – Military Space USA will provide a holistic overview of developments in the 4th domain.


Find out more here:

Anonymous ID: d5522f May 28, 2019, 7:34 p.m. No.6613819   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3832





President Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have agreed to “dramatically expand” human spaceflight cooperation. Trump is in Japan on a four-day visit. He made the announcement at a joint press conference with Abe today.


Japan is already a partner in the International Space Station (ISS) and the two countries have been discussing cooperation in future human space exploration for many years. This is the first statement since the White House decided to accelerate NASA’s plan to return astronauts to the lunar surface by 2024, however.


Japan and other countries have been making plans to participate in the Gateway that will orbit the Moon and serve as a transfer point between the Earth and the lunar surface and, eventually, the Earth and Mars. There has been concern that the new plan, focused on Americans on the lunar surface, would leave international partners with a less prominent role. The announcement today shores up the international component.