Anonymous ID: df239e May 28, 2019, 6:57 p.m. No.6613520   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Dear brotheranon…

Relax. Breathe… Q told us that we are in control. If Patriots are in control , and all the habbenings are pointing to this, there is no need to worry. These evil fucks have been fucking the world for many decades/ milenia . It's going to take some time to unfuck it all. Justice takes time. Law takes time. Think of it this way…. We ( Patriots/ whitehats) are setting many traps. It takes time to catch these fuckers , watch them reee and sell other rats out…

If you are feeling the way you are, think how they feel. They are scared. They are making mistakes. Digging holes underneath eachother, pointing fingers and at the same time- waking many normies up…. Let them reee. They cant sleep. They are scared ( as they should be)…. You just sit back and watch this glorious plan unfold… All is well….

Relax. Pop some popcorn, get comfy and laugh. There is no way out for them. And the moar they struggle, they tighter the noose gets….

Better? Love you, no homo