Anonymous ID: dff39e May 28, 2019, 6:52 p.m. No.6613463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3479 >>3581


You're talking out of both sides of your mouth.

Which is it, a mistake or not?

>Shills cherry-pick posts looking for baker mistakes and then acting like those mistakes are malicious

>I stand by that decision.


We're not shills you CIA cunt.

Anons call attention to baker errors and give baker a chance to address it

We did. You side-stepped.

If you were able to remove it but chose not to on principle, then why did you say this?

>>6584593 pb

>The only thing that gets pulled from previous breads is something illegal or that would dox someone.

Were you saying it was another baker's notables you wouldn't change?

Or that anons asking you to remove it was the same as asking for the post to be deleted by BO/BV?


If you think more word salad will convince anons you're not a glowing nigger you underestimate us.

>>6584615 pb

This anon isn't the only one that sees you