Anonymous ID: fc90ff May 28, 2019, 6:54 p.m. No.6613480   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I have seen a lot of talk about PAYtriots on twatter today. Fingers are bing pointed, infighting is never good. So what's the alternative? Start a movement to make your own? I love that, it doesn't have to be great, but if you call out those who are not willing to make their own it would only create more infighting. So for those who want to purchase what are they to do? What if we used an established charity? Say like these ladies?

I am not saying it has to be this charity, but something like it. A charity that helps vets, or has shown that they do good things and are not just putting money in their own pockets. As an example, this charity is already set up for sales to raise money, so they have already found companies to provide them with the items they need for sale. Perhaps anons can narrow down a list of say, five charities they think are worthy. Maybe Q would choose one of them for us. Q team does not like paytriots perhaps he would choose for us if we came up with a short list. Just a thought.