Anonymous ID: 0554b2 May 28, 2019, 9:07 p.m. No.6614506   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is a must watch if anons haven't seen it. Field McConnell's guest calls in & many who believe JFK Jr. is alive believe this person id him, regardless, this person is telling about Q and all the evidence about who is behind all of this etc. tryin to catch people up so they know the background of uncovered evidence, putting it all together in preparation for the amount of news and what they will see in the news as things are declassified and released. Tells everyone who is behind it all. full disclosure of masonic luciferian practices, what the keystone means, bloodline families descendants of Cain & Abel & Seth …. so much more. I'm overwhelmed hearing it all put together like a storyline and I know what he's talking about, I can't imagine what normies' will feel or experience. DISCLOSING EVERYTHING!!!


Video title:

The US is Free; The IRS, ABA, Soc Sec and Northern Trust Are Done. Operation Whisker Biscuit.

Abel Danger livestream

Streamed live on 6 May 2019


5 DFAs will have grievances filed before Trump lands at 1511 Sunday and lands in a New Republic with no gold fringed flags, no IRS and no ABA Court Jesters and they will have had their their reproductive organs removed and fed to carnivorous SWAMP MONSTERS.