Anonymous ID: 3b80df May 28, 2019, 8:03 p.m. No.6614042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4081



I am talking about JFK. Not JFK Jr. fuggin shill assholes. Did I say JFK JR. ???



JFK Double Was Assassinated, Not JFK - The Kennedy Fairytale.


As a professional realist artist, I have honed my eye over several decades. Part of my job has long included working from photographs, which I take myself. To turn these photos into portraits, I have to be able to read all the subtle shades and lines contained in the image. So I have been accustomed to look more closely at the world, real and imaged, than most people. I see things most people don’t.


You can understand how that skill would be useful in unscrambling the false history we have been sold. In the last decade, a few people have awoken from their slumbers. Cued by the lies surrounding 911, Aurora, and Sandy Hook, they have learned to see through the bedtime stories they have been told. With this suspension of disbelief destroyed, they are now ready to reconsider the other stories of recent history.


In this paper we will look at the Kennedy fairy tale. We will start by studying the assassination of JFK, but by the end we will see that all the stories about all the Kennedys are of a piece: nothing you think you know, all the way back to 1944, is true. It has long been clear to almost all intelligent people who study the evidence that the Warren Commission was a cover-up.