Anonymous ID: 6bad6b May 28, 2019, 9:12 p.m. No.6614531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4559

PBS reporting over 50% of children in public schools are NOT WHITE and that "this number is expected to grow".


The segment is premised on white genocide. The plan.


The argument they are advancing is that non-whites require non-white teachers &c. in order to do well. Get that? They need a non-white environment as well. If they have this, they will be as smart as whites. Now, they say, because America is so diverse, we need less whites teaching (now at 80%).


They are actively recruiting on the basis of color. DIVERSITY IS WHITE GENOCIDE. 50%? what are you fighting for exactly? a future for brown black and yellow kids but NOT OURS.


They want you divided.Patriotism has no skin color - I can hardly believe the hypocrisy from these people. Total population replacement and demands for segregation by any other name. NOW they have their numbers up. I can't imagine who is going to pay for their colour-safe spaces.


It goes without saying there was not one word about the state of white kids…which is what I expect as you wont hear a word about crimes against whites whether here or overseas because its all about the jew and the jew non-white fan clan.., it is ALL ABOUT THEM AND THEIR FUCKING FUTURE


for 50 years thats all i have ever heard. THEM what THEY need what THEY want. 50%!!!!


how are you going to persuade white people to vote for a kinder, gentler genocide in 2020?