Anonymous ID: 8eee29 May 28, 2019, 8 p.m. No.6614031   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. was lost.


FACT: When JFK Jr. radioed controllers on the Cape (as reported on Boston TV News) to announce his approach to Martha's Vineyard, radar showed him to be just where he stated he was and at the correct altitude for the approach.


PROPAGANDA: JK Jr. was in "over his head".


FACT: JFK Jr's conversational tone on the radio reveals that he was calm. He was not disoriented. He didn't ask for directions. He didn't indicate he had any problem at all. He clearly was confident he was going to find the airport and land.


PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. stalled the plane.


FACT: The radar track shows that he was well above stall speed.


PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. went into a steep turn and lost his horizon.


FACT: There is no reason for JFK Jr. to have been in any turn at all at that point on the flight path leading into the airport. He was already lined up with the main runway at Martha's Vineyard airport.


PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. didn't know his altitude and simply "flew into the ocean".


FACT: The radar track shows him flying at the proper altitude, then (as ABC News put it) "falling out of the sky".


PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. lost his instruments, and that is why he could not handle the dark and hazy (?) conditions


FACT: The fact that the radar was getting good data from his encoding altimeter proves his instruments were operating.


PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. would have lost his artificial horizon if the vacuum pump failed in the aircraft.


FACT: MSNBC is the only media outlet to have tried to hype this one, using a self-proclaimed "aviation expert". His claim is also false, as there is a backup vacuum system in the pitot assembly of that aircraft.


PROPAGANDA JFK Jr. was a reckless pilot.


FACT: This claim was planted everywhere in the media, always attributed to an "unnamed source". One reporter, Cindy Adams at the New York Post, later had cause to suspect she had been lied to. So did Andrew Goldman at the New York Observer. Interviews with individuals directly familier with JFK Jr's flying ability shown on Inside Edition confirmed that he was a highly skilled and careful pilot.


PROPAGANDA JFK Jr's wife was afraid to fly with him.


FACT: Again a story attributed to "unnamed sources", and again debunked by the interviews shown on Inside Edition. JFK Jr's wife had no problem flying with JFK Jr. and flew with him often.


PROPAGANDA JFK Jr. had only 40 hours experience.


FACT: He had 40 hours in that one aircraft. His total experience was about 300 hours, more than enough to qualify him for a commercial pilot's license. According to FAA statistics, 300 hours made him a more careful and safer pilot than one with 1000 hours, who is more complacent.


PROPAGANDA The weather was very hazy.


FACT: The FAA issued VFR weather conditions that night, and the weather report (mentioned in the UPI story) called for 8 mile visibility. One witness on shore reported that there was very little haze and that standing on the shore, he could see airplanes out over the ocean on approach to the island, proof that airplanes on the approach could see the shore. This claim is backed up not only by the weather report of 8 mile visibility, but by a weather radar image taken at about the time of the crash. This radar image is showing haze and fog along New York and Long Island (if this radar image were of clouds, the FAA would not have declared VFR flying conditions that night) but none at all at Martha's Vineyard. On the morning after the crash, CNN reported that weather could be ruled out as a factor in the crash!


PROPAGANDA: Martha's Vineyard is very dark and won't show through the haze.


FACT: That may have been true only a few months ago. However, as evidenced by a Letter to the Editor of the Martha's Vineyard Times just days after the JFK Jr. crash, new lights installed on the island, lights that point up in the sky, are so bright they are drawing complaints from island residents.


Read more: John F. Kennedy Jr.: Evidence Of A Cover up | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Anonymous ID: 8eee29 May 28, 2019, 8:04 p.m. No.6614052   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4100 >>4218


'JFK Jr.'s Interview About The New World Order In George Magazine'




[This is an interview with John F. Kennedy Jr. from the magazine "George" Oct98, Vol. 3 Issue 10, p136, Editor's note]


The host of a PBS public-affairs show and author of Empower the People: A 7-Step. Plan to Overthrow the Conspiracy That Is Stealing Your Money and Freedom plans his revolution from the Oval Office.




Because I would focus Americans on making the right choices between knowledge and ignorance, freedom and slavery, Americanism and conspiracy, good and evil.




First, I would repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which created what l believe is the privately owned central bank of the United States government and which confiscates the incomes of Americans and gradually transfers them into the accounts of the ruling class. I would replace the Fed with a model based on the only state-owned banking system, the Bank of North Dakota, because it creates wealth for the people. Second, I would reduce the reach of the Fed's collection agency, the IRS, by assigning it the task of managing a state-run national sales tax. Third, I would make sure every home in America has a computer, so that every child has a future-and every adult an information technology skill and a job.


'JFK Jr.'s Interview About The New World Order In George Magazine'




[This is an interview with John F. Kennedy Jr. from the magazine "George" Oct98, Vol. 3 Issue 10, p136, Editor's note]


The host of a PBS public-affairs show and author of Empower the People: A 7-Step. Plan to Overthrow the Conspiracy That Is Stealing Your Money and Freedom plans his revolution from the Oval Office.




Because I would focus Americans on making the right choices between knowledge and ignorance, freedom and slavery, Americanism and conspiracy, good and evil.




First, I would repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which created what l believe is the privately owned central bank of the United States government and which confiscates the incomes of Americans and gradually transfers them into the accounts of the ruling class. I would replace the Fed with a model based on the only state-owned banking system, the Bank of North Dakota, because it creates wealth for the people. Second, I would reduce the reach of the Fed's collection agency, the IRS, by assigning it the task of managing a state-run national sales tax. Third, I would make sure every home in America has a computer, so that every child has a future-and every adult an information technology skill and a job.

Anonymous ID: 8eee29 May 28, 2019, 8:05 p.m. No.6614060   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4075


In the highlighted rectangles - what are these people wearing?


What is on their hat visor?


There are only six people in this view with the same uniform and a further 4 elsewhere.


Other than these ten people, why does no one else in the gigapixel crowd wear this outfit?


Believe it or not;


Highlighted in rectangles left to right:

Lauren, JFK Jr. Carolyn


There is no coincidence.

Anonymous ID: 8eee29 May 28, 2019, 8:08 p.m. No.6614075   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4117


Disregard that pic. This is the one that goes with the text.


In the highlighted rectangles - what are these people wearing?


What is on their hat visor?


There are only six people in this view with the same uniform and a further 4 elsewhere.


Other than these ten people, why does no one else in the gigapixel crowd wear this outfit?


Believe it or not;


Highlighted in rectangles left to right:

Lauren, JFK Jr. Carolyn


There are no coincidences.

Anonymous ID: 8eee29 May 28, 2019, 8:20 p.m. No.6614175   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


KATIE COURIC INTERVIEW WITH JFK, JR. (with video segment of John F. Kennedy that Katie wants JFK, Jr. to watch).


[Katie Couric is facing JFK, Jr. and there is a television is on a stand behind JFK, Jr. (to his back)]


KATIE: โ€œWe have a clip from a show called โ€˜LOOK HERE.โ€™ Weโ€™re gonna โ€˜LOOK THEREโ€™ and then talk about it.โ€


[JFK, Jr. turns to look at the t.v. behind him and a clip of his dad is being shown.]


Now Look at the Proof on Q Post 1681 of July 4, 2018 (see graphic).

Anonymous ID: 8eee29 May 28, 2019, 8:27 p.m. No.6614221   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4573


I saw this same video on the inauguration today and noticed how surprised Bill and Hillary looked when they saw someone, but I didn't see who they were looking at, so I believe he was there. I will google who Barletta is, so I know who you are talking about.