Anonymous ID: b28c92 May 28, 2019, 10:13 p.m. No.6614905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4914 >>4916 >>4998 >>5072 >>5179 >>5194 >>5280 >>5301

The problem with hanging around the Q-boards is that it's easy to get the idea that we are winning. We are not.


Reading the comment wars on twatter and news sites shows that we are losing badly in the court of public opinion; the leftist horde is increasing everywhere like a zombie plague, and they are vicious true believers, not empty shills.


One thing they are doing now is defending the actions of Creepy Joe Biden by mounting an offensive accusing DJT of the same and worse. This photo is an example.


Personally, I have lost nearly all hope, the dithering and mishandling of The Plan by "Q" has all but lost the battle, but perhaps someone who still thinks there is a chance can do something with this picture.


For one thing, we need to know the CONTEXT of the photo, and somehow the true story needs to be spread, if the picture is not actually as damning as it appears to be.