Anonymous ID: ebaefe May 29, 2019, 12:17 a.m. No.6615326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5388 >>5395

Who knows really why the Yellow Vests in France happened? What exactly are they fighting for?


This is a good overview of 10 (subjective) conclusions. Yes, its a pro-Russian site, but that also means its an anti-Obama era site. No one here can argue that the Maidan in the Ukraine (Biden, Brennan, Kerry et al) wasn't an outright Globalist attempt to start WW3. However, the eastern view is that the USA was responsible, period…. doesn't matter that Nuland and her cookies are not in power anymore. Read it with that in mind. The Gilets Jaunes, just like Crimeans and the Donbass, as well as we Qanons are all fighting the same enemy - Globalist Warmongering Elite Vampire fuckwits who don't deserve the power they think they are entitled to.