Anonymous ID: 058811 May 29, 2019, 4:24 a.m. No.6615918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5970 >>6034 >>6128 >>6186


what about the secret tech to convert Silver to Rhodium? I mean that's earth changing. Or shoudl I say 'earth mineral changing?'


maybe there isn't any tech like that or maybe there is or maybe we already found an asteroid that's made of that so that China-coms are taking a gamble: the cold fussion gamble cause if we want something at some point all we'll need to do is make it, when tech is released or discovered.


One Rhodium asteroid will ruin theirwhole day.

Anonymous ID: 058811 May 29, 2019, 5:44 a.m. No.6616178   🗄️.is 🔗kun



That is a brutal and very appropo statement in your meme.

Another way to see it to, and this helps us, they eat their own first.


when 'they' have ever 'taken over' they always open up free expression for a few years and do exactly what Twitter and Frackblock does: compile dossiers on everyone and phucker them (phucker: it should be obvious what this means).


once they are done eating there own they'll do something like Starve the Ukranine and George in a phony famine, like in the 1930's. After that they might do the show trial bit, like Moscow 1936.


if they are in charge.


They aren't in charge.

We aren't doing any of those things this time around revolution pole.


this will be the revolution that they didn't control and the revolution that we will all be able to say 'what revolution are you talking about' when the leftists of 20 years ago try to explain away this 'season' that was supposed to be 'of the witch' a conflatin of witchcraft with evil (which, really, it's a misunderstanding but only evil if the people are channeling that).

the reason that witchcraft is prohibited is not because witches are following evil but because it 'opens the door' for the demons. (an allegory, of course).


so we have the revolution that isn't really happening. We'll say, 'what revolution. that was called 'Justice under The Law'

Anonymous ID: 058811 May 29, 2019, 5:50 a.m. No.6616209   🗄️.is 🔗kun


we could start speculation on what some of the new tech declas will be.

I say easy electrical conversion of Silver into Rhodium and Helium for the purposes of atmospheric buoyancy.