Anonymous ID: 519ffd May 29, 2019, 4:37 a.m. No.6615957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5980 >>5984

>>6614804 (pb)

>>6614868 (pb)

>>6615088 (pb)

>>6615216 (pb)


Possible connect to DoD 5:5 Twatter comms

Reposting from yesterday. Seeing the knight logo tingled the almonds, as Department of Defense posted planefag Stinger (Wasp) logos on a 5:5 with a 17 reference before we knew Potus was heading to the USS Wasp

Also, two Q drops with 'Handle With Care' but I didn't see any connections in those posts.



>>6607780 (pb)

5:5 comms from the Dept of Def Twatter


May 26 was 55 on the clock. Expecting 5:5 comms I checked the US Dept of Def twatter on the 26th. One twat mentioned the following


Handle with care. Weapons loaders assigned to the @180thFW, Ohio Air National Guard, load inert munitions onto an F-16 Fighting Falcon during a chemical warfare readiness exercise


May 17.


Twat includes a photo with some F16s and on the tail are some Wasps and the name Stingers.


Then last night Potus turns up on the the USS Wasp while visiting some troops



Anonymous ID: 519ffd May 29, 2019, 4:49 a.m. No.6616005   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Leaves 9 9 11

lots of digits. Played with them a bunch but I didn't come up with that calculation. Nice work anon. Fits right into the 55 Clock theme.

Anonymous ID: 519ffd May 29, 2019, 5:21 a.m. No.6616105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6122


'Recommended' for treating PTSD in vets. hmmm


The Blu Room® suggested for veterans with “PTSD” – Invented by JZ Knight

May 6, 2017

JZ Knight News, Press


The Blu Room®

Photo courtesy: JZ Knight, used with permission.


  • President Trump’s VA appointee Dr. David Shulkin on the The Blu Room®

  • The Blu Room® technology was founded by Yelm’s JZ Knight

  • Some people with PTSD have greatly benefited from The Blu Room®

  • Dr. Shulkin: the VA needs to go outside for private enterprise solutions, treatments


– “Why Dr. David Shulkin is exactly what the VA ordered”

“For every suicide committed by a veteran under the care of the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, there are two vets not under VA care.


That, according to President Donald Trump’s appointee to head the VA – Dr. David Shulkin – is a top priority of his new job.”

Anonymous ID: 519ffd May 29, 2019, 5:32 a.m. No.6616141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6171


Sure it’s special. Shulkin was an Obama holdover and didn’t last long as secretary of VA under potus.

Jz Knight shilling Shulkin shilling for blu room on jz knights web page