Anonymous ID: 1fd3e2 May 29, 2019, 7:26 a.m. No.6616756   🗄️.is 🔗kun


New Jerusalem is described in the Book of Revelations of Saint John, which he wrote while he was hallucinating form hunger on the Island of Patmos.

It's the City of God that descends from on high. It's a gift and we need do nothing to 'make' it.

so to think that an hallucination from the year 73 AD (or whenever it was) in literary form is really going to come down?

do they miss all the allegory with this 'it was real' view?

I say it was real in the sense that he really wrote about his real hallucination. But did anyone at that time see that story as anything more than allegorical?

the answer is: think for yourself.

interesting point: the cube, which is New Jerusalem, has 12 gates and they are permanently open.

What does that tell you? You 'could' be excluded but you are not!?

further 'all creatures' for 30 minutes worship the Holy of Hollies. All creatures.

I think that's an important point and why?

Think for yourself.

you miss all of the important messaging from this important document about the personal growth of the individual soul if you ignore the Book of Revelations and think it's just the story of a 'cult'.

yes, people today might misinterpret that story, and not understand what New Jerusalem really represents . . .

but don't let their conflation of a story and it's aspects make you turn away from an important document about the History of the Human Soul, written in the form of allegorical apocryphal hallucinations.