Anonymous ID: 2a986f May 29, 2019, 7:05 a.m. No.6616585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6621 >>6678 >>6692 >>6705

We are Not in Control yet….


On Tucker Carlson last night, Tucker said that John Brennan Still has his Security Clearance more than a year after POTUS ordered it removed…that the officials in charge of removing it are slooooow walking POTUS's orders….

He ordered Horowitz to DeClass in Sept and it was never done…

He ordered the troops out of Syria and they are still there…

DiGenova says that Huber investigation of the Clinton Foundation is a complete and total sham…more slow walking, more resistance….

I have done complicated investigations…they do Not take this long….McCabe was referred for prosecution more than 14 months ago when his crimes were evident….


Only 1 conclusion is possible…the DS is Still in Control