Anonymous ID: 96a804 May 29, 2019, 6:39 a.m. No.6616409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6417

Yield Curve Collapse Continues, Morgan Stanley: It's Much Worse Than You Think

keep in mind who this is coming from and what they are telegraphing-it's bad for them but see how the headline implies that it will wreck the entire system?

they have NO ONE to blame but themselves as it is now almost a full 10 basis point cheaper to have the systems banks an institutions "turn tricks"-amongst themselves-with the paper they are forced to buy from treasury to maintain the status as a Primary Dealer.




The Fed (and Larry Kudlow)'s favorite recession indicator is flashing even 'redder' this morning with the spread between 3m and 10Y US yields tumbling to -13bps.

The most inverted since July 2007.

See cap#1

It seems every time The Fed speaks, the yield curve collapse accelerates, and critically, as Jim Grant noted recently, the spread between the 10-year and three-month yields is an important indicator, James Bianco, president and eponym of Bianco Research LLC notes today. On six occasions over the past 50 years when the three-month yield exceeded that of the 10-year, economic recession invariably followed, commencing an average of 311 days after the initial signal.


However, if that's not worrisome enough for you (and the CNBC plunge protection team has left you believing its different this time), Morgan Stanley's Michael Wilson warns that adjusting for QE (and QT) things are considerably worse.


When translating the adjusted Fed Funds rate into the yield curve by making the exact same adjustment to the 3 month T-Bill given the historical nearly 100 percent correlation, the result can be seen:

See cap#2

The light blue line is the unadjusted 10 year – 3 month yield curve and the dark blue line shows what it would look like fully adjusted for QE and QT. The adjusted curve shows record steepness in 2013 as the QE program peaked, which makes sense as it took record monetary support to get the economy going again after the great recession. The amount of flattening thereafter is commensurate with a significant amount of monetary tightening that is perhaps underappreciated by the average investor.


More importantly, unlike the unadjusted curve which only flipped negative in March, the adjusted yield curve inverted last November and has remained in negative territory ever since, surpassing the minimum time required for a valid meaningful economic slowdown signal. It also suggests the "shot clock" started 6 months ago, putting us “in the zone” for a recession watch, according to Wilson. As a result, Morgan Stanley thinks the bond market has it right to suggest the next move for the Fed will be a cut.

'''All you need to do is track the CME Fed Watch to see that the first rate cut is about even money a proposition at the September mtg-this has changed is is now skewed to moar of a certainty to habben then.

See cap#3

Incidentally, the equity market is also right, given how defensively it has traded since last summer. Furthermore, the curve inverted about the same time the trade truce happened in late November and has stayed inverted despite all the positive rhetoric earlier this year around a trade deal. This means the US economic slowdown and rising recession risk is happening regardless of the trade outcome.

Anonymous ID: 96a804 May 29, 2019, 6:56 a.m. No.6616512   🗄️.is 🔗kun


so I know you've seen some shit fren. If you were there when the '08 crash habbened then sure you know what they did to the capital from the arabs they were getting. Drove up the share price after they announced a huge loss to make it moar expensive for that money to by in.

Anonymous ID: 96a804 May 29, 2019, 7:06 a.m. No.6616586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6763 >>6919 >>6958

U.S. banking sector reports $60.7 billion in profits for first quarter of 2019


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. banking sector recorded $60.7 billion in profits in the first quarter of 2019, an increase in profit levels from the year prior, according to data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.


U.S. bank profits increased by $4.9 billion, an 8.7 percent jump compared to the first quarter of 2018. The FDIC said the profits were driven by higher net interest income.


The FDIC also reported that the number of “problem banks” had fallen from 60 to 59 in the first quarter, marking the lowest level of struggling institutions since the first quarter of 2007.

Anonymous ID: 96a804 May 29, 2019, 7:19 a.m. No.6616693   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Spyware developed in Israel used by Saudis to hack London-based dissident


The software created by an Israeli spyware firm used, apparently, in the murder of Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi, has become embroiled in a hacking scandal involving a Saudi dissident. The latest victim is London-based satirist Ghanem Almasarir, who has been attacked on the streets of the British capital by men appearing to be loyal to Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman.


According to a letter of claim giving notice of possible legal action, which the Guardian claims has been sent to the Kingdom, Almasarir was targeted by Saudi Arabia with malware developed by a controversial Israeli firm, the NSO Group. The spyware infiltrates smartphones and monitors calls, texts, email and contacts, and can use the device’s microphone and camera for surveillance.


The company in question is famous for manufacturing the notorious Pegasus spyware. In a separate scandal involving the Israeli firm, it is thought that NSO’s software took advantage of a loophole on WhatsApp, which the latter was still working to fix as late as last weekend. WhatsApp is now urging its 1.5 billion global users to update the app on their devices to reduce the risk of further attacks.

The letter of claim suggests that the same tactics were being used to target Almasarir. According to the Guardian, he received suspicious text messages in June last year. These were tracked by independent experts to a Pegasus operator who was “focused on Saudi Arabia” and were linked to a separate attack against another Saudi critic.


“A vast amount of Mr Almasarir’s private information was stored and communicated on his iPhones… This included information relating to his personal life, his family, his relationships, his health, his finances, and private matters relating to his work promoting human rights in Saudi Arabia,” the letter of claim states.


Speaking to the Guardian, the dissident said: “We use the space of freedom in the west, in Europe and America and the Saudis want to take this freedom away from us by making me and others feeling like we are living in prison.”


Saudi officials have not responded to requests for comment on the allegations against Riyadh, the latest of which comes within weeks of a plot uncovered by the CIA of potential threats to a Palestinian activist living in Norway. Iyad El-Baghdadi, a pro-democracy activist and critic of Bin Salman, was alerted to the threat on 25 April when the Norwegian authorities moved him to a secure location.


May 29, 2019 at 1:41 pm


The software created by an Israeli spyware firm used, apparently, in the murder of Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi, has become embroiled in a hacking scandal involving a Saudi dissident. The latest victim is London-based satirist Ghanem Almasarir, who has been attacked on the streets of the British capital by men appearing to be loyal to Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman.


According to a letter of claim giving notice of possible legal action, which the Guardian claims has been sent to the Kingdom, Almasarir was targeted by Saudi Arabia with malware developed by a controversial Israeli firm, the NSO Group. The spyware infiltrates smartphones and monitors calls, texts, email and contacts, and can use the device’s microphone and camera for surveillance.


The company in question is famous for manufacturing the notorious Pegasus spyware. In a separate scandal involving the Israeli firm, it is thought that NSO’s software took advantage of a loophole on WhatsApp, which the latter was still working to fix as late as last weekend. WhatsApp is now urging its 1.5 billion global users to update the app on their devices to reduce the risk of further attacks.


The letter of claim suggests that the same tactics were being used to target Almasarir. According to the Guardian, he received suspicious text messages in June last year. These were tracked by independent experts to a Pegasus operator who was “focused on Saudi Arabia” and were linked to a separate attack against another Saudi critic.


“A vast amount of Mr Almasarir’s private information was stored and communicated on his iPhones… This included information relating to his personal life, his family, his relationships, his health, his finances, and private matters relating to his work promoting human rights in Saudi Arabia,” the letter of claim states.


Speaking to the Guardian, the dissident said: “We use the space of freedom in the west, in Europe and America and the Saudis want to take this freedom away from us by making me and others feeling like we are living in prison.”