Anonymous ID: 9f4676 May 29, 2019, 7:13 a.m. No.6616637   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Is HAARP being used to destroy the planting season for Farmers?


Astute question, immediately tagged by one of our unthinking monkee boys!


HAARP has been superceded in the last two decades, anon.

EM control/influence of weather circulation can now be accomplished with the network of cell transmitters at far lower power levels, distributed nicely throughout the world…


(to all shills paid or amateur fool)

If you are a thinker not just a triggered reactor, try this:


Now that the computational power, numerical algorithms and modelling of the weather has advanced to the point of 5 day forecasts, do you realize that this capability CONTAINS the potential to concentrate and steer weather patterns?