Anonymous ID: b8b418 May 29, 2019, 6:11 a.m. No.6616286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6294

I find it interesting that when people understand what is in a vaccine and what they are really doing to us they almost always reject them (or at least the current crop of vaccines offered in the US). I don't focus on "white genocide" or "black eugenics" or any other specific genocidal or eugenics program. The point is the same: There are people in the world who think it is their business to kill or alter other human beings using nefarious means and certainly WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT. Whether your skin is white, brown or black, whether you are a Muslim, Christian, Jew or anther religion there is a satanic cabal that wants to kill you. They are cowardly, devious and as close to perfectly evil as you can image. They are not above taking a preventive health care mechanism such as vaccines and turning them into a bioweapon, a mutagen, a carcinogen or whatever other destructive product they can imagine. America, spends record amounts on health care but we have some of the WORST outcomes. Maternal death rates are ridiculously high, babies are routinely vaccinated to death or disability and flu shots CAUSE miscarriages. If you are serious about resisting the genocidal programs being used against us you need to pay attention to vaccines and the legislation around the world being stealthily implemented to "legally" try and take away your right to refuse them. The CDC is a pharmaceutical company dedicated to selling vaccines and enforcing their use (check out the history on Thomas Freidan if you doubt that). Why recommending a flu shot to a pregnant woman (or giving one!) should be considered criminal .

Anonymous ID: b8b418 May 29, 2019, 6:33 a.m. No.6616381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6390 >>6437

Do other anons wonder about the real reasons that the left has come out in support of allowing infanticide after the birth of a "defective" child? I have a hypothesis about "abortion rights" and "post birth abortion". Most people in my circle regard pregnancy as a blessing. I'm not that connected to people who use abortion as birth control or as a way to avoid caring for a child. I think "abortion rights" are obviously about procuring fetal remains for nefarious purposes. Prior to Roe I don't think abortion was unheard of, but I do think doctors and hospitals had ethics review prior to allowing them. In the 1960s Stanley Plotkin (vaccine "godfather") was apparently involved in vaccine research that used the remains of something like 70 abortions to develop a single cell line used in vaccine production. I need sauce but I believe that upon occasion women were lied to in order for them to consent to abortions. "Abortion rights" makes in accessible for researchers to "order up" fetal tissues. Obviously abortion also allows for the cover-up of sexual abuse, particularly of minors. However, I think there is something really dark about "abortion rights" that needs some reflection and research. Is the current push to decriminalize the taking of fetal and infant lives ALSO related to the push for mandated vaccines? Will a pediatrician who administers half a dozen shots to a two month old baby, who subsequently dies, be able to plausibly claim: The child had an underlying "defect" and therefore the child's "defect" caused their death? Look at the states that mandate vaccination without religious or philosophical exemptions. Line them up with the states pushing HARD for "post-birth" abortion. Is this an effort to "protect" doctors from liability for killing children and to keep physicians who are starting to question the vaccine agenda from breaking ranks?

Anonymous ID: b8b418 May 29, 2019, 6:41 a.m. No.6616422   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wow. That "meme" makes no sense! If your friend is in a university environment, I'd subtly red-pill them on vaccines. You see when it comes to what is INJECTED into your body the FACTS exist and they matter A LOT. I I've got some sauce for you here: This story has GREAT scientific research attached including a power point. Now compare to what the CDC says in the pics I've attached. I used my LinkedIn account to start sharing about vaccines. I started really slow, but in the end interacted with a lot of people on the subject. I think some of my posts were picked up in other countries.


If your friend is at an American University they could be aware of mumps outbreaks. These outbreaks outnumber measles by nearly an order of magnitude and occur in a nearly 100% vaccinated population.

Anonymous ID: b8b418 May 29, 2019, 6:46 a.m. No.6616453   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6511


Do you have sauce on this? Do aborted fetal remains end up in such ceremonies?! My thinking has been that some children who disappear from CPS 'care' may have been trafficked for abuse.

Anonymous ID: b8b418 May 29, 2019, 6:49 a.m. No.6616474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6496


I am Gen-X and though the meme made me chuckle this situation has not been fun for me. I am "In the middle, important and ignored" all at the SAME time! Not trying to call out myself as "important" its just that because my role is facilitator I'm not usually the subject of much attention, even though occasionally I could use a little bit. That is not why I serve, however. I want a good world for the future, especially as I have children whom I want to be able to live decent lives in service to God and their fellow man if they desire to.

Anonymous ID: b8b418 May 29, 2019, 7:28 a.m. No.6616776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6785

I see this story was a notable last bread. I thought my head was about to pop off with the anger I felt when I saw it! (And my anger level has been so much better recently as I have begun seeing things move in a better direction). This country does not deserve Brian Kolfage and his group of patriots. PERMITS to protect YOUR COUNTRY?! WTF (and I don't like profanity!)?!

Anonymous ID: b8b418 May 29, 2019, 7:29 a.m. No.6616785   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It would be nice if I attached the sauce. Yes, I am that angry.

Anonymous ID: b8b418 May 29, 2019, 7:49 a.m. No.6616975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7016


That image is heartbreaking. Couldn't look at it before. There have now been a few incidents of children acting out these satanic rituals. I think a child in South America was killed by her own sibling acting out such demonic behavior. Truly we need the help of God in order to defeat this

evil. Here's some sauce on the subject of CPS being used to traffic children. On-line acquaintance of mine has been trying to get her grandchildren out of CPS custody. She has frightening evidence of their mistreatment and abuse. Problem is that the CPS workers threaten family members for disclosing to the public.