Anonymous ID: c5dc34 May 29, 2019, 6:18 a.m. No.6616324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6338 >>6375 >>6416 >>6506

Hit piece aimed at MLK

So it would appear as though someone is getting ready to drop some nasty accusations against MLK. 4chins /pol/ is creating threads to get some hashtags trending. I thought the timing of all this to be interesting:


The MLK tapes: Secret FBI recordings accuse Martin Luther King Jr of watching and laughing as a pastor raped a woman, having 40 extramarital affairs - and they are under lock in a U.S. archive, claims author

Anonymous ID: c5dc34 May 29, 2019, 7:26 a.m. No.6616761   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fun fact;

Ultra liberal in-laws were recently visiting. They had no idea that there was a building 7. He actually lived in Manhattan when it happened, too. But I'm with you; there are tons of folks out there that are supposed to be on the "right" side of things (pun not intended), but also seem to have agendas that raise the eyebrows. Q says MLK was a "conservative", but there's "stuff" coming out claiming that he wasn't. Hoover tried to get him tied to commies, but again, that's Hoover we're talking about, right? I mean, JFK couldn't keep it in his pants, but we stand behind what he stood for, and consider him a standard bearer of the demolition of the DS. It's horrible to think that if MLK was JFK-esque in his pipe laying that it's actually more inconsequential to the overall person than, say, their true beliefs in politics.



I remind myself, often, that there's no such thing as reverse racism. Either the stuff in this release is going to be concrete and damning, or it isn't. If it's not a salacious hit piece, then what does that do to people's perceptions? In some places in the US, you spend and entire MONTH of history class, for several years in a row, learning about these angelic beings called "Civil Rights Activists", and the constant comparison of "Doctor King" vs "Black Supremacist, Malcom X". If the truth ends up being that MLK was a controlled opposition communist and Malcom X was actually more of a "Each peoples should have their own nation", then the narrative shifting is going to be massive.


I guess what I'm trying to get at, here, is that it just seems to me that they are sacrificing "one of their beloved" to foment division again. This is one hell of a move by "them" to stir some shit.