Anonymous ID: c94bce May 29, 2019, 7:22 a.m. No.6616719   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6741


I always thought that was SPECial_Counsel PUBlic release of the report (which happened), but those placeholder stringers have never been confirmed by Q so you could be right actually.

I have notes on what anons have thought about the placeholders, can post if you want.

Anonymous ID: c94bce May 29, 2019, 7:26 a.m. No.6616760   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6843


Each of the specific placeholders refer to an upcoming reveal of information

The event about which the placeholders are about is too soon to or possibly illegal to discuss or disclose due to their ongoing nature (or classification, secrecy, etc)

*Meanings of what is after "Placeholder" are anons' opinions and are unconfirmed

*Linked to = Q legitimately links the /pf/ crumb in a new crumb

*Referred to = a cap of the post is in a new crumb


>[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when sealed Civilian indictments are unsealed

>[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when sealed Non-Civilian indictments are unsealed

>[Placeholder - SC rulings re: challenges re: Civ Non_Civ]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when there are Supreme Court rulings on cases that challenged the Civilian and non-Civilian indictments on constitutional grounds

>[Placeholder - SC rulings re: USA v Def appeals]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when the appeals of indictments by the defendants make it all the way to the Supreme Court

>[Placeholder - Branch termination(s)]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when corruption in each branch of the government(Executive, Judicial, Legislative) is exposed, leading to the terminations of many individuals' employment

>[Placeholder - Leak(s)]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when the leak investigations that Sessions started will be finalized and their findings provided to the public

>[Placeholder - Acts of Treason + support Articles]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when the Acts of Treason committed against the USA are revealed, and supporting documents are given to journalists/writers so they can write articles that support the charges against the traitors

>[Placeholder - Foreign Acts_pub]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when Foreign acts of subversion in the political system of the USA are made public

>[Placeholder - FVEY_pub]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when specifically the Five Eye Intelligence Group's (FVEY) actions in the political system of the USA are made public

>[Placeholder - FISA_pub]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when FISA is ready to be made public

>[Placeholder - DECLAS GEN_pub]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when the FISA is actually DECLASsified to the general public

>[Placeholder - SPEC_C_pub]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when the SPECial Counsel's report is made public (when Mueller releases his findings)

>[Placeholder - OIG Report & Findings]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when OIG Report (Office of the Inspector General) on the 2016 election and FISA from Horowitz and its Findings are released

>[Placeholder - OIG report > FBI, DOJ, & Media Coll]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when the OIG report reveals the Collusion between the FBI, DOJ, and Media

>[Placeholder - OIG report > Exe B_ABCs & Media Coll]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when the OIG report reveals the Executive Branch & Intelligence Agencies (ABC agencies, CIA, FBI, etc) colluded with media (MSM)'''

>[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign ASST_D1]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when the OIG report reveals there was Foreign Assistance in spying on the Trump Campaign

>[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign_Insert(s)_ORec & Info Diss]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when the OIG report reveals there were Foreign Inserts or spies used to surveil the Trump campaign and were used Record conversation with FISA and spread Disinformation

>[Placeholder - OIG report > FISA Abuse DIR_INDIR_Source_DIS]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when the OIG report reveals Disinformation was a Direct and Indirect source for the FISA warrants and abuse of FISA

>[Placeholder - OIG report > Umbrella SPY & Targeting]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when the OIG report reveals "Umbrella Spying" and Targeting of the Trump campaign by Hussien Admin and 5EYES

>[Placeholder - OIG report > OTR_C_]

This will be linked to or referred to by Q when the OIG report reveals an Off The Record Conversation, possibly the Tarmac meeting





Anonymous ID: c94bce May 29, 2019, 7:31 a.m. No.6616809   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6832


The early crumbs focused on how Mueller was exonerating POTUS and was a "white hat", then the later crumbs focused on how Mueller was a blockade for the dems and was a "black hat".

In reality, he did both, so a "grey hat" would be the most logical conclusion imo. Thought that for a while.

CLEARLY never been a white hat because he's dirty as fuck.

This discussion has been ongoing for literally years now, but he did end up exonerating POTUS like anons thought, but he's too dirty to be a white hat.

Anonymous ID: c94bce May 29, 2019, 7:36 a.m. No.6616843   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6932


Baker, it's a self nom so up to you, but consider:

>>6616760 Compilation of Anons' opinions on the meaning of the Placeholders

I feel like this will be really relevant soon, and I haven't seen too much discussion on it lately.

Some placeholders, based on the meanings I've seen from anons which I compiled, are starting to be activated.

Look for โ€˜Placeholderโ€™ updates @ /PatriotsFight, Indictments, arrests, and DECLAS will force WW coverage.

Thanks for the bakes!