Anybody who says something negative about Q is a clown shill.
DO NOT REPLY, i.e. do not link to them.
Anons who have been here for a while know that Q is not the main event on this board. The main event here is to find the evidence that is hiding in plain site. To make the connections between all the people who are supporting the criminal conspiracy of Hillary, Hussein and others. To then draw a map of these connections for some section of the conspiracy both to educate the public about the crimes that are being committed, and to provide enough evidence for the DOJ to open a formal prosecution where professional investigators and lawyers will get to the bottom of it.
The CIA is criminally implicated in all of this. But not all of the CIA. Like any criminal conspiracy they hide behind innocent people.
And the hardest thing for many to understand is that there is no team of good guys and a team of bad guys. Lots of Democrats are involved in the criminal spree, but someone just posted a list of Republicans who committed sex crimes. The CIA has many bad actors, but they are organized in nests in particular places like Broward County and Mclean VA. There are still some genuine CIA agents out there,
Same with any government agency. You either get a white hat agency being infiltrated by bad actors, like the White House itself. Or you get a group created and controlled by bad actors which hires lots of white hats as cover for their crimes, such as the CIA.
By their works shall ye know them. There is no simple way to distinguish a white and black hat. You have to learn to recognize them by what they say and what they do.
Do not trust Q. He has warned us that the bad guys are watching, that this is a counterintelligence operation to root out bad guys, and that disinformation is necessary. Pray. Trust in God and ask God for guidance when you feel confused or in despair.