Anonymous ID: 249f91 May 29, 2019, 8:22 a.m. No.6617418   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7429



Wasn't the original charge russian collusion?


Doesn't the report state in black and white that there was none?


Sounds like complete exoneration of that charge to me.


Plus we know that the russians did meddle in the election.


And that Mueller's a traitor.


So the white/black hate sliders can eat some shit. His hat's been brown the entire time ;p

Anonymous ID: 249f91 May 29, 2019, 8:36 a.m. No.6617650   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7668




That's true but the piece of shit just set up aoc and pelosi to make the entire democrat party out itself as unfit for duty on constitutional grounds.


Literally because they do not even know how their own rules work, let alone the ones for the country codified in the Constitution.


Millions of dollars wasted for some traitor to tell them publicly they have no case..


Congress can act, sure, but they have been cut off from their case for impeachment for collusion on constitutional groundsโ€ฆ By Mueller himself.


impeachment is a catch-22 at this point.


And that's completely ignoring the idea that the senate would have to successfully vote on the impeachment to convict.


This is actually starting to look like the deep state plants in public office will me shown to be so unfit for office that the military will be required to clean it up.


Not joking. This will get bad if I'm right.


But in a good way.