Anonymous ID: 54cdef May 29, 2019, 8:43 a.m. No.6617755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7762 >>7776

"the plan" is starting to look like the dumbest shit ive ever seen. Why not just TELL THE AMERICANS THE TRUTH instead of all these stupid fucking games and Trump capitalizing letters in tweets.


TRUST THE PLAN oops JA just got murdered in prison because we thought 17 charges for JA was cute lolz


Stupid fucks. This is best 'plan' our military could come up?

Not only are all the pedovores walking and talking, 0 jailed, wall not being built, declas being blocked because 45 is a bitch, (((kushner))) going to bilderbergs, 2018 elections stolen, narratives still owned by MSM.. What a joke.


Now the media/Dems get to push impeachment again, they get to claim that DECLAS = obstruction.