Anonymous ID: 9ee1f4 May 29, 2019, 8:03 a.m. No.6617108   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Damascus, Moscow call upon international community to exert pressure on Washington to pull out its troops from Syria


Moscow, SANA- Syria and Russia have called upon the international community to exert pressure on the US to force it to pull out its occupational troops from Syria soonest possible.


In a joint statement the Syrian and Russian Coordination Committees on the Return of Displaced Syrians called upon the “International community, the UN agencies and the international humanitarian organizations to adopt a principled stance to influence the US in order to solve the issue of withdrawing its occupational forces from Syria soonest possible.”


The two committees reaffirmed that the “US forces which are occupying lands in Syria had entered Syria in an illegitimate way and their presence hinder the exerted efforts for restoring normal life to the country and they constitute an obstacle which hinder stability in the southeast of Syria and which causes catastrophic situations for the residents of al-Rukban Camp who are forcibly held at the camp by terrorist groups controlled by the US.”

Anonymous ID: 9ee1f4 May 29, 2019, 8:12 a.m. No.6617242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7377 >>7753

“Yellow Vest” Facebook group with 350,000 members frozen on European election day


On Sunday, polling day in the European elections, the largest Facebook group associated with the “yellow vest” protests in France, with more than 350,000 members, was frozen so that members could not publish or share information in it.


The group, named “France in anger—Map of rallies” (France en colère—Carte des rassemblements), is used by its members to organize locations for “yellow vest” demonstrations against the Emmanuel Macron government and to share news articles, political statements and videos of police violence.


At 12:29 p.m. on Sunday, one of the group’s administrators posted a notice informing members that “following automatic changes introduced by Facebook beginning on May 6, 2019, notifications for Yellow Vest groups hardly appear, giving the impression of inactivity of the movement.” The message provided instructions for members to manually override the changes introduced by Facebook to show notifications for new activity.


The administrators further announced that “we have been encountering major technical difficulties since this morning,” without providing further information. “We are not able to find a durable solution at present. We are therefore taking the delicate decision to put the group on pause. We hope for a resolution of the situation at the end of the evening.” The freeze lasted until the early hours of yesterday morning.


In a Facebook group, every member can post material to the group’s feed, which is visible to every other member. Many group members posted comments in response to the announcement opposing Facebook’s act of censorship. Some said they were able to add comments to existing posts, but could not publish or share posts.


“In effect, I made the change as indicated because it seemed that no one was commenting. Long live Facebook’s censorship,” said one. “I’m sure that Facebook is intentionally disrupting this group,” said another. “Impossible to publish and therefore to inform,” replied a third.

Anonymous ID: 9ee1f4 May 29, 2019, 8:17 a.m. No.6617332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7753

Trump administration proposes new rules to punish currency manipulators


The US government is proposing regulatory amendments that would give it new firepower against countries it thinks are artificially weakening their currencies.


The new trade policy tool, if enacted, would enable the government to raise tariffs to protect sectors it deems are being harmed by deliberately undervalued foreign currencies.


At the moment, US-based companies can request “countervailing duty” relief if they feel they are being harmed by a foreign subsidy

Anonymous ID: 9ee1f4 May 29, 2019, 8:19 a.m. No.6617362   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australia poised for rate cut as economy continues to weaken


he Reserve Bank of Australia is expected to cut its policy rate next week due to falling growth and low inflation levels.


The RBA has maintained its policy rate at 1.5% since August 2016 and policy-makers previously seemed reluctant to make changes. However, constant weak inflation and a declining property market is forcing the bank to consider a cut.


Earlier this month, the RBA downgraded its growth predictions for the second time in six months. It forecasts that the economy will grow 2.6%

Anonymous ID: 9ee1f4 May 29, 2019, 8:26 a.m. No.6617472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7550 >>7744


The National Economic Security & Reformation Act [NESARA]


June 8, 2012




The National Economic Security & Reformation Act


1892 – Bankers adopted their Bankers’ Manifesto of 1892 in which it was declared: “We [the bankers] must proceed with caution and guard every move made, for the lower order of people are already showing signs of restless commotion. Prudence will therefore show a policy of apparently yielding to the popular will until our plans are so far consummated that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized resistance. The Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor organizations in the United States should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and we must take immediate steps to control these organizations in our interest or disrupt them….


The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible.


When through the process of the law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.”


1907-1917 – In order to warn Americans, the1892 Bankers’ Manifesto was revealed by US Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. from Minnesota before the US Congress sometime during his term of office between the years of 1907 and 1917.


1910 – John E. DiNardo, professor of public policy and economics at the University of Michigan, writes in his article “The Federal Reserve Act”: “On the night of November 22, 1910, a small group of surrogates of the most powerful bankers of the World met … under the veil of utmost secrecy.


Over the next few weeks these men would perpetrate, under the orders of their masters, … perhaps the most colossal and devastating fraud ever inflicted upon the American People.


This ultra-secret fraud is known as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913…. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 concocted legislation, to be foisted upon the People’s Congress of the United States, that empowered and commissioned this secret cabal of World-dominant bankers to PRINT UNITED STATES CURRENCY, a usurpation of our Constitution’s explicit edict empowering ONLY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT to print and coin currency. This world banking empire used their stolen power to print, out of thin air, paper currency which, in no way represents the gold and silver reserves that authentic currency is supposed to represent.”


1913 – The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 Complete text of Act may seen at:


1933 – 1934 – Prior to 1933, Federal Reserve Notes were backed by gold. This changed with the new law: Congressional Record, March 9, 1933 on HR 1491 p. 83. “Under the new law the money is issued to the banks in return for government obligations, bills of exchange, drafts, notes, trade acceptances, and bankers acceptances. The money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes, and other property of all the people of the nation.”


The Bankers’ Manifesto ties in with the U.S. Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session (1934), which states: “The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called ‘ownership’ is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere ‘user’ and use must be in acceptance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State.”


1970s – The Federal Land Bank illegally foreclosed on farmers mortgages all throughout the Midwest. In each of these cases the farmers were defrauded by the banks with the approval of the Federal Reserve System. These court cases would eventually become known as the Farmer Claims Program.

Anonymous ID: 9ee1f4 May 29, 2019, 8:38 a.m. No.6617684   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Reminder That Some Journalists Are Lazy Idiots Who Progressives Spoon Feed


A whole lot of journalists are lazy progressive hipsters who hang out around the same people who think the same things and are, as a result, easily manipulated and played. Also, many of them are so liberal and have so many biases that it makes it even easier for progressives to spoon feed stories to journalists.With some solid exceptions, an unfortunate number of journalists at most news organizations will gladly and repeatedly take pre-packaged stories from progressive interest groups and turn them into big stories. It's why the New York Times ran those stupid stories about Marco Rubio's tickets in 2016. It is why much of the national press is breathlessly reporting that Netflix is threatening to leave Georgia over its fetal heartbeat law. There's just one problem – Netflix made no such threat.This is all pre-packaged PR by a progressive PR firm and reporters, already more likely than not to be biased in favor of abortion rights, are falling all over themselves to report it.

Anonymous ID: 9ee1f4 May 29, 2019, 8:41 a.m. No.6617720   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you might of knew 10 years ago but how many people reading this board now.. NEVER heard of it.. As Q said repeats are necessary .. settle down you'll be OK