Anonymous ID: ce3a4c May 29, 2019, 8:17 a.m. No.6617334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7356 >>7472 >>7484 >>7744

Anons should be keeping a close eye on markets. We just had the head of the Plunge Protection Team (President's Eorking Group) quit yesterday. He had been in office since 2012 and the PPT had been called in with banks and Treasury when the markets had the miracle turn around on Dec 24. The PPT is 1 on the main market manipulators, along with the (central) banksters. Today the DOW broke below its 200dma amd ita 50wma while Deutsche Bank fell to a new low below $7 (DB alone could cause a main market mover to quit).


We will have to see if we float until the elections or allow markets to correct closer to fair value as the blame game goes down. The blame should be directly pointed at the Fed, BIS, and central banks considering the banksters along the the global swamp monsters have caused these conditions. As POTUS said many times, they wanted to turn us into Venezuela. Fortunately, POTUAS has been working hard to get our stolen gold back, investigate the criminals (to confiscate assets once proven guilty), set up beneficial trade deals, bring bavk factories, etc. However, markets are still at crazy valuations and will need balancing before/as we enter a healthy economic system. Revaluing gold & going bavk,to the gold atandard will solve the root of our problems (along with the swamp drain), but asset prices will need to balance relative to one another. There is no reason the FAANG corrupt stocks should be the largest holdings on the market. Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, & GOOG are clearly corrupt. Will we continue to allow the bubble to be pumped until elections as we continue building the economic foundation of our country, or have we reached the point where POTUS has enabled a soft enough landing that we can recover as a country and the banksters/swamp can be exposed for what they have done? There are many paths to choose from, but to obvious ones seem to be letting the markets correct while exposing the swamp and banksters for causing the problem (as POTUS has done his best to solve as much as he could during the timeframe) or floating the markets until after the election.


America needs to control its currency again and get it out of the hands of the Rothschild-Diddler pedo paper system. The only Patriotic option is to return to Constitutional money, which is gold and silver. Capitalism did not fail us, we failed capitalism. Capitalism needs free markets and honeat money to function correctly. The banks (DB is a major culprit having admotted guilty and ratted on others) must not be allowed to suppress precious metals to maintain their fiat paradigm. Make Money Great Again!