Anonymous ID: 5d6358 May 29, 2019, 10:10 a.m. No.6618556   🗄️.is 🔗kun

had an epiphany moment yesterday anons and i feel like sharing

was talking with heterolifemate about POTUS in Japan, the 70lbs trophy and the man himself as the first head of state to meet the new emperor of Japan, and i show her the video of the presentation of the trophy. She laughs, and talks about, just having read about it, you'd think he took a shit in the center of the ring (not her words, but, yaknow), and how seeing it, and talking about it, the narrative alters dramatically. It's a very positive time in america at the moment, and it gets colored really poorly by a bitter clutch of hack writers who're basically jacking off into each others' mouths. It isn't the information. the gutterment info (or dis, whatever side of the fence you're on on that) is fairly good news. Most disturbances are missing kids and plane crashes and car wrecks and the random psychopath. Maybe 60+ years of bad business deals made up by nazi bureaucrats is unwinding because nobody's really at war with anybody else, really, globally, anymore but the problem is nobody wants to, or knows how to write optimistically anymore?