Anonymous ID: 85872b May 29, 2019, 8:53 a.m. No.6617871   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6617303 PB


But I think a sealed indictment would be constitutional; it would wait for the individual to step out of office. That does not interfere with the Executive. IF the indictment remained sealed and not leaked.


So if he could have, Mueller would have indicted. Back-up in case impeachment did not launch or failed.


Still, the report is bereft of substantiated evidence of obstruction of justice. There was no underlying crime, first thing. Kek.


Points to the fact that this investigation was under the guise of an intel query not a criminal query. So there's that, too. Kek.


But anyway – no evidence. Constitutional was not an obstacle to his writing up real evidence. He didn't do it. Had nothing. So there's that third point. Kek.

Anonymous ID: 85872b May 29, 2019, 9:15 a.m. No.6618070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8087



Mueller also turned the laser pointer at "underlying documents" produced by his team. They produced some stuff, unreleased as yet, in anticipation of release far broader than normal.


So the Dems will chase that red spot for awhile more.


And, yes, boxed them in. The scant "evidence" gathered in vol two could hardly substantiate a charge worthy of sending impeachment to the Senate. That's doomed.


So what might they have left if not moar promises to their voters that next time, if they win the Senate and the House, they'd press impeachment and trial?


That's all they have. So the candidates on the DEM side will declare a conviction based on volume two. Presumed guilt.


Did not work out so well in recent past. But it is all the play they have.

Anonymous ID: 85872b May 29, 2019, 9:29 a.m. No.6618210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8237



Mueller's team operations will be audited. That's a lot of money not well spent, right?


On whom would performance of such an audit fall? Indeed, might not a 3rd party have motivation (financial reward)?

Anonymous ID: 85872b May 29, 2019, 9:39 a.m. No.6618298   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6618234 PB


It is a line of thinking that has been on display in MSM – also at Fox – but I do not buy it. The Dems have a lack of evidence to proceed. This is what would cost them votes. Voters have a strong sense of fairness. Not that Dem voters would embrace Trump, but that they would just not vote.


Especially when POTUS declassifies real evidence of their wrongdoing. That is coming anyway.


Think what happened in the wake of the Kavanaugh smear. That is what Pelosi is weighing, I think, as a purely political calculation.


Yes, there are the irrational politicos out there, too. Pelosi fears them more than declassification. Well, no, it might be close call between the two. Both points make it difficult to raise the funds needed for 2020 races across the board. I believe Dems will retreat to local election efforts. And that is what Pelosi fears in either case. So, as an experienced politician, she and her closest may stake out a way to survive and minimize the damage to their allies in House and Senate.

Anonymous ID: 85872b May 29, 2019, 9:51 a.m. No.6618407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8416



That is a nice summary of Mueller's appearance. But his restatement of his conclusions is not a summary. The content of that 15 minutes, minus a few attay-boys to team members, is all that was needed from him. Conclusions. No moar.


Anything beyond that is meant to serve a political purpose.