Anonymous ID: 847330 May 29, 2019, 11 a.m. No.6618930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9023 >>9201

Mueller Resigns From DOJ, Won't Testify, Says "Charging Trump Was Not An Option"


Update 4:

Press Secretary Sarah Sanders has released an official statement on Mueller's statement, as has Trump Campaign manager Brad Parscale.


First, the official White House statement from Sarah Sanders, who called on everybody to follow Mueller's lead and move on.


"The Special Counsel has completed the investigation, closed his office, and has closed the case. Mr. Mueller explicitly said that he has nothing to add beyond the report, and therefore does not plan to testify before Congress. The report was clear - there was no collusion, no conspiracy - and the Department of Justice confirmed there was no obstruction. Special Counsel Mueller also stated that Attorney General Barr acted in good faith in his handling of the report. After two years, the Special Counsel is moving on with his life, and everyone else should do the same."


And the statement from the campaign, which called on the DoJ to get to the bottom of the origins of the Russia hoax.


"Special Counsel Robert Mueller's remarks today confirmed what we already knew. There was no collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign, and there was no case for obstruction. President Trump has been fully and completely exonerated. Mueller said his investigation is over. The case is now closed."


"Now it's time to turn to the origins of the Russia hoax and get to the bottom of why the Trump campaign was spied on by the Obama-era DOJ and FBI. Anyone who is for transparency, constitutional civil liberties, and the rule of law should want to know why human sources, wiretapping, and unmasking were used to infiltrate a presidential campaign."


Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham also released a statement via Twitter, where he congratulated Mueller for his service and urged everyone to follow his lead and move on.

Anonymous ID: 847330 May 29, 2019, 11:02 a.m. No.6618945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9023

Boris Johnson to face court over ‘lies’ about UK’s £350 million-a-week cost of EU membership


A UK judge has ordered the controversial MP Boris Johnson to appear in court over allegations the Brexiteer lied by repeatedly claiming that £350 million-a-week was being spent by London on EU membership.


Johnson, who is one of the favorites in a crowded field of candidates to replace Theresa May as the next Tory Party leader and British prime minister, made the statements during the 2016 EU referendum; that claim about UK spending was also infamously displayed on the side of a bus. The summons comes resulting from a private lawsuit brought by businessman Marcus Ball, who claims Johnson had purposely lied about the true costs of Britain’s EU membership.


Ruling on the case on Wednesday, District Judge Margot Coleman said the allegations brought forward by Mr Bell are “unproven accusations” but that she was, however, satisfied that the suit was a “a proper case to issue the summons as requested.”


“This means the proposed defendant will be required to attend this court for a preliminary hearing, and the case will then be sent to the Crown Court for trial,” she added.


A date for Johnson’s appearance has yet to be set, however, if found guilty of misconduct in a public office, he could face a sentence of life in prison.

Anonymous ID: 847330 May 29, 2019, 11:03 a.m. No.6618954   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Federal Prosecutor: Mueller’s Actions Today Were Reprehensible – Nothing More than Chum in the Water for Democrats


Former Federal Prosecutor Fred Tecce went off on Robert Mueller’s public statement on Wednesday.


Mueller muddied the waters by suggesting that his crooked special counsel of angry Democrats could NOT find that President Trump DID NOT commit a crime.


Historically in America before 2018 it was incumbent on a prosecutor to PROVE that a crime was committed.

The fascist deep state and Democrat party dismissed this legal precedent during the hearings on Justice Brett Kavanaugh who they demanded prove himself innocent of 30-year-old accusations of dry humping a girl a high school party. The woman had no witnesses and had NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON support her charges but Democrats changed legal tradition by forcing Brett Kavanaugh to prove his innocence anyway.


On Wednesday dirty cop Robert Mueller used this new legal tradition on President Trump. He could not prove that President Trump committed a crime. But in his report he suggested Trump committed a crime anyway.


Following Robert Mueller’s statement former Federal Prosecutor went on FOX Business Network and tore into the crooked special counsel.


Fred Tecce: Quite frankly, I find Mr. Mueller’s comments reprehensible. The part that bothers me the most is the bedrock for our system of justice is that people are presumed innocent unless proven otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt… I think what he did today really was one of the most political things I’ve ever seen a prosecutor do and I am deeply disappointed in the Justice Department for his conduct… These comments are nothing more than chum in the water for Democrats.


Mueller proved again today that the US Department of Justice is a corrupt, criminal outfit.

Anonymous ID: 847330 May 29, 2019, 11:05 a.m. No.6618975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8993 >>9023

Americans' Life Savings Wiped Out In Mexican Bank Fraud Scheme


A Bloomberg report reveals how a Mexican bank employee directed a retirement fraud scheme at American retirees living in San Miguel de Allende, a city in Mexico's central highlands.


Monex Casa de Bolsa SA de CV Monex Grupo Financiero has been investigating allegations that an employee stole approximately $40 million from American clients.


Marcela Zavala Taylor, the suspected Monex banker at the center of the fraud, allegedly sent American clients falsified statements that showed their accounts were fully funded, said several of the bank's clients in a Bloomberg interview.


The fraud was discovered in late December when clients couldn't retrieve funds from their accounts. Bank officials told clients that $40 million in funds from 158 accounts disappeared.


Bloomberg spoke with several clients who said Monex attempted to reach settlements at a massive discount versus what was stolen from their accounts. Others said the bank asked them to file charges against Zavala.


"Legal action is continuing in the case, and details cannot be disclosed so as not to hinder the investigation," Monex said in a statement. Bank spokeswoman Eva Gutierrez said Monex is working with affected clients and has settled with 70% of them.


Kenneth Karger, a retiree from Texas with property in Mexico, says Monex stole $400,000 from him. It was only last summer when he stopped receiving statements. Karger said, Zavala at the time, told him Monex was transitioning onto a new online banking system, and the account balance would be delayed for some time. Months later, Karger retrieved statements from Monex and discovered unauthorized withdrawals.


Bruce Brown, an Australian retiree who'd lost $250,000, was refunded entirely by the bank after he notified Mexican authorities.


Monex is an affiliate of Banco Monex SA Institución de Banca Múltiple Monex Grupo Financiero, with $5.2 billion in assets under management and operations in the US.


According to Condusef, Mexico's consumer protection agency, there were 7.3 million complaints of financial fraud involving 18.9 billion pesos (about $1 billion) last year.


The scandal has devastated the expatriate community in San Miguel, as non-citizens have limited rights.

Anonymous ID: 847330 May 29, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.6618989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9023

Top IDF lawyer tells The Hague to back off, says Israel can probe own alleged war crimes


The Israeli military wants the International Criminal Court to butt out of its affairs, its top military prosecutor has declared in response to efforts to hold it to account for its use of live fire against Palestinian protesters.


“Israel is a law-abiding country, with an independent and strong judicial system, and there is no reason for its actions to be scrutinized by the ICC,” Brig. Gen. Sharon Afek, Israel’s military advocate, declared at an international conference on warfare laws in Herzliya. “The position of Israel is that the International Criminal Court does not have jurisdiction to discuss the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”


The ICC is weighing investigating Israel over its use of live ammunition against Palestinian protesters demonstrating at the Gaza border. Since March 2018, IDF soldiers have killed at least 251 people participating in the Great March of Return, a movement calling for Palestinians expelled from their land during the establishment of Israel to be allowed to return, and injured at least 26,797 more, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.


Earlier this year, a United Nations Human Rights Council fact-finding mission on the protests submitted to the ICC a list of Israeli officials it suspects of serious crimes, including IDF snipers, their commanders, and the military legal advisers who outlined their rules of engagement.


Afek’s objections to the ICC’s involvement center on the body’s charter, which permits it to investigate crimes only when there is no reasonable assumption that the country in which they have been committed will prosecute them adequately. Israel, he claims, will take care of its own business.

Anonymous ID: 847330 May 29, 2019, 11:09 a.m. No.6619007   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Threatens Europe With "Loss Of Access To US Financial System" Over SWIFT-Evading Iran SPV


It's going from bad to worse for Europe, whose currency had just hit session lows after Brussels confirmed that Italy faces a massive fine over its debt, when the Euro was hit with a double whammy after Bloomberg reported that the Trump administration is escalating its battle with "European allies" over the fate of the Iran nuclear accord, and is "threatening penalties against the financial body created by Germany, the U.K. and France to shield trade with the Islamic Republic from U.S. sanctions."


According to Bloomberg, the Treasury Department’s undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, Sigal Mandelker, sent a letter on May 7 warning that Instex, the European SPV to sustain trade with Tehran, and anyone associated with it could be barred from the U.S. financial system if it goes into effect.


As a reminder, last September, in order to maintain a financial relationship with Iran that can not be vetoed by the US, Europe unveiled a "Special Purpose Vehicle" to bypass SWIFT. Back then we predicted that Washington would not be too delighted with this development seeking to undermine the dollar's reserve status. We were right.


Is that a dud e with Zarif?

Anonymous ID: 847330 May 29, 2019, 11:14 a.m. No.6619047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9054 >>9090 >>9123

‘Creepy Joe strikes again’: Biden calls 10-year-old girl ‘good looking’ at campaign event


Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has sparked new concerns over his ‘creepy’ behavior after he called a young girl “good looking” and held her shoulders, weeks after a vow to be more “mindful” of people’s personal space.


During the American Federation of Teachers town hall campaign event on Tuesday, the 10 year-old-girl asked Biden a question about political division in the US. Biden approached her and said: “I’ll bet you’re as bright as you are good-looking.”



Anonymous ID: 847330 May 29, 2019, 11:17 a.m. No.6619076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9123

‘War criminal’ Alastair Campbell should be in The Hague not getting TV airtime, says George Galloway


George Galloway has hit out at the recent outpouring of sympathy for former Labour Party spin doctor and “war criminal” Alastair Campbell who was expelled from the party after admitting he voted against them in the EU elections.


The former British MP tweeted on Tuesday that Campbell, who was the press secretary for former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, “should be in The Hague” for war crimes and “not on every television station in the land.”


Galloway said it was a “mark of shame” that the political operative hadn’t been thrown out of the Labour Party before this week and lashed out at the media for eagerly sympathizing with his plight.


“The waves of media sympathy for [Campbell] tell you all you need to know about them,” he wrote.


In a separate tweet on Wednesday, Galloway called Campbell a “war criminal” and referenced a new documentary which examines what some believe was the suspicious suicide of Dr. David Kelly — a top weapons inspector who had revealed to the media that the British government’s assessment on Iraq WMDs had been purposely exaggerated and “sexed up” to suit the pro-war agenda.


Campbell was the man responsible for overseeing the Iraq dossier and was accused of being the person who had added the exaggerated claims, including the fabricated claim that Iraq could launch a chemical weapons strike against the UK within “45 minutes.”


Since his expulsion from the Labour Party, Campbell has been making the rounds on British television channels and vowing to fight the decision.


While many have sympathized over his predicament, others have wondered why voting against one’s own party in a controversial election seems to be a greater crime than being involved in faking evidence to join a war that killed hundreds of thousands of people.

Anonymous ID: 847330 May 29, 2019, 11:18 a.m. No.6619085   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EU Council Chief Brags Brexit Was ‘Vaccine’ Against Euroscepticism


Roadblocks to delivering Brexit have acted as a “vaccine” against Euroscepticism in the European Parliament elections, Donald Tusk has said.


While populist, pro-national sovereignty parties made some significant gains in last week’s elections, the European Council chief bragged that the bloc still boasted “a pro-European majority” in parliament.


“The vast majority voted for a more effective, stronger and united EU while rejecting those who want a weak Europe,” he told a news conference Tuesday. “This is powerful sign. Europe is the winner in these elections.”


“I have no doubt that one of the reasons why people on the continent voted for a pro-European majority is also Brexit,” Tusk said, speaking after a meeting at which EU leaders discussed who they wanted to see fill Brussels’ most powerful positions.


“As Europeans see what Brexit means in practice they also draw conclusions,” the Polish Eurocrat stated, asserting that issues Britain has been faced with since the 2016 referendum took place have acted as “a vaccine against anti-EU propaganda and fake news.”


These latest comments from Tusk, who previously proclaimed there was a “special place in hell” waiting for UK politicians who backed Brexit, echoed sentiments recently expressed by the outgoing European Commission chief, Jean-Claude Juncker.


In a speech declaring his disdain for “stupid nationalists” in contrast to his love towards “[populations] coming from far away”, the former leader of Luxembourg appeared to suggest the EU’s negotiations with Britain had succeeded in warning other nations in Europe that Brussels would make leaving the bloc as difficult as possible.


“The number of those in favour of the European Union is increasing because people are watching what is happening and they are seeing that leaving the European Union is not as easy as they were told,” Juncker said last week.

Anonymous ID: 847330 May 29, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.6619107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9273

Far-Left Extremist Arrested in Connection with Salvini Party Office Bombing


Police in northern Italy have arrested a far-left extremist in connection with the bombing of an office belonging to the League party of populist Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini.


The arrest comes after a long and in-depth investigation by the anti-mafia prosecutor’s office of Venice which determined the identity of the suspect who is believed to be close to the far-left anarchist scene, Il Giornale reports.


The suspect has been named in Italian media as Spanish anarchist Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez, 42, who had been on the run from Italian authorities since 2017 for previous offences.


The bombing occurred in August last year and saw one bomb exploding just steps away from the office in the city of Treviso near Venice.


Another nearby device, which was later disarmed, was rigged in order to be tripped by police or other emergency services workers responding to the first device. The detonation of the second bomb would likely have resulted in severe injury or death as it was reported to have contained nails and other fragments of metal.


A group, known as the “Santiago Maldonado Cell”, took credit for the attack soon after it occurred stating: “Direct action makes us clear as to why and how. For an internationalist, rebellious, anarchist solidarity! For a world without borders or authority!” The group had also taken credit for a previous bombing at a police station in Rome.


German Antifa Far-Left Extremists Release ‘Riot Tourist’ Instructional Terror Handbook


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 22, 2018


The arrest is just part of a series of recent attacks attempted or allegedly committed by violent, far-left extremists across Europe.


Earlier this year in Sweden, a far-left extremist was charged with stockpiling illegal firearms, police uniforms, and other material with prosecutor Petra Schöniger commenting: “The investigation shows that the operational weapon of the AR-15 type has been assembled and completed inside the container and that it has subsequently been fired.


“Other parts of the same rifle type found could have been assembled into four fully operational weapons.”


In Germany, several other arrests of far-left extremists have been made in recent years including a man in Thuringia last year who was accused of having his own mobile bomb factory.


Earlier this year in Döbeln, an office of the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) was also bombed with the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) stating they believed the attack to be politically motivated.

Anonymous ID: 847330 May 29, 2019, 11:22 a.m. No.6619131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9165 >>9273

U.S. Gang Members Arrested in Tijuana with Bazooka, Meth


Two U.S.-based street gang members working for the Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) were arrested in Tijuana over the weekend wearing cloned uniforms and carrying a light anti-armor weapon (LAW). Both were turned over to investigative personnel from the federal attorney general’s office.


Tijuana municipal police patrolling in colonia Nuevo Milenio observed a vehicle whose occupants were not wearing seat belts Sunday. Officers later noticed that both the driver and passenger were dressed in uniforms worn by the Special Operations Group of the Tijuana municipal police and the Mexican Army, according to local media reports.


Suspicions rose when police noticed insignias were missing from the uniforms. The vehicle occupants also could not furnish official credentials. Both men were detained and a search of the vehicle was performed, which led to the discovery of a light anti-armor weapon intended for targeting tanks. Officers also discovered an undisclosed amount of methamphetamine.


Upon questioning, it was determined that both were U.S.-based gang members from California. One was identified as a Logan Heights member from San Diego–which is a Mexican-American clique founded in the 1960s and has a history of working for the Tijuana Cartel (Cártel Arellano Félix-CAF). The Tijuana Cartel is currently aligned with the Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), which are engaged in a bitter turf war with the Sinaloa Cartel. The second gang member is reportedly from Tijuana but is believed to also be an active gang member in the United States. Both displayed common Mexican-American street gang tattoos, according to Breitbart News law enforcement sources.


The Logan Heights gangs were implicated in the botched 1993 assassination of Joaquín Guzmán Loera aka “El Chapo” in Guadalajara, which instead killed a Roman Catholic cardinal in a case of mistaken identity. Six suspected San Diego-based gang members were arrested. An additional 30 Logan Heights gang members were believed to have served as soldiers for the Arellano Félix brothers of the Tijuana Cartel.

Anonymous ID: 847330 May 29, 2019, 11:23 a.m. No.6619148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9273

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio's new criminal guidelines to allow violent young adults to get out of jail free


The city of New York will allow more young adults to get out of jail free on charges, including assault and battery and armed robbery, the New York Post reported.


Mayor Bill de Blasio's Office of Criminal Justice has developed new guidelines which his office hopes to allow three times as many teens to be released from jail with no bail. The policy takes effect Saturday.


It will also increase the number of adults who qualify for the mayor's no-bail Supervised Release Program.


What are the details?

The policy will expand the Youth Engagement Track to include young adults ages 18-19. It's currently capped at 17 for most of the city.


The program, which allows mostly "high-risk" teens charged with misdemeanors or nonviolent felonies to be released without bail, will expand to more serious and violent crimes including first- and second-degree robbery.


Miriam Popper, executive director of diversion initiatives for the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice, expects the number of eligible teen defendants to more than triple, according to the Post.


Teens who are released with no bail will be "placed on an intensive supervision schedule in the first month," Popper wrote in a memo to judges earlier this month. Those who are placed in the program would also be required to undergo psychological counseling.


Why is the city expanding the program?

The Supervised Release Program expansion plays into de Blasio's controversial plan to close the Rikers Island jail complex.


"In our city, we have reduced our jail population about 30 percent already," de Blasio said during an interview on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday. "We are ending the era of mass incarceration in New York City."


What do opponents say?


A high-ranking New York Police Department official told the Post that de Blasio's administration adopted the new policies without considering the effect on "neighborhoods where people are being robbed and assaulted."


"Without bail, the perps will be thinking: 'I'm in and I'm out. Nothing's going to happen.' " the official said. "'What's the big deal?'"


"People who have never been a victim of crime, they really don't think about the consequences of this," the official added.


Court system sources for the Post said that many judges fear they could lose their jobs if they don't align with the program's more lenient guidelines.


"There's tremendous political pressure in this city, and it comes from the New York City government, it comes from the defenders who are emboldened," one courthouse source told the newspaper. "Judges feel the pressure."

Anonymous ID: 847330 May 29, 2019, 11:25 a.m. No.6619164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9203

State Of Emergency Declared In Multiple Ohio Counties


Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has reportedly declared a state of emergency in several Ohio counties.

Montgomery, Greene, and Mercer counties, all of which suffered serious damage following severe weather this week, are covered by the declaration. Emergency state services have already begun providing aid in the afflicted areas, but more long-term assistance may be necessary to help the counties recover.

Anonymous ID: 847330 May 29, 2019, 11:27 a.m. No.6619174   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Monsanto is finally getting a taste of its own poison


Monsanto is the quintessential evil corporation.


In the 1960s it manufactured Agent Orange, a defoliant–hardcore weedkiller–which the USA used during the Vietnam war. The military sprayed vast swaths of the jungle causing horrible health effects like cancer and birth defects in American veterans and Vietnamese civilians exposed to the chemical.


Then Monsanto brought their products home to the USA and started dumping its poison on the homeland.


Glyphosate is the main ingredient in Roundup, widely used as a weed killer. Monsanto holds patents on gene edited varieties of crops modified to withstand the herbicide while weeds die around them. It is also used to kill wheat plants for easier harvesting.


This means that practically everyone in the USA who consumes mainstream food products is exposed to Roundup.


Evidence suggests that gluten intolerance could be related instead to glyphosate intolerance. And the rise of certain types of cancer in the USA also corresponds to the use of Monsanto’s weed killer.


US regulatory agencies like the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) claim that glyphosate is safe for humans and the environment.


But American courts begs to differ.


About 13,000 civil cases against Monsanto are moving through the court system.


The first three came back in favor of the plaintiffs. The evidence showed that Roundup caused cancer in people exposed to the weedkiller.


So far the price has added up to $2 billion for the company, but it looks like that is just the beginning.


Meanwhile, the parent company, Bayer, which bought Monsanto last year is quickly plummeting in value.


Bayer acquired Monsanto for $63 billion last year.


Now investors are fleeing, and the value of Bayer has fallen by 40% since it bought Monsanto. Bayer is now worth $59 billion, less than it paid for Monsanto.


It is about time somebody pays for the damage Monsanto’s poisons have done to people. For too long this company has teamed up with the US government to poison the population for profit.


It will be satisfying if the civil damages mount to the point where these companies are liquidated in order to pay the victims. It is only fitting that the Roundup poisons and withers the companies which profited from it.


And with US courts finally holding companies accountable for the people they harm, this will stop other profit-seeking companies from going anywhere near the poison glyphosate.


Now if we could just hold the US government accountable for its part in poising its people, and playing defense for Monsanto…


You don’t have to play by the rules of the corrupt politicians, manipulative media, and brainwashed peers.


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Anonymous ID: 847330 May 29, 2019, 11:29 a.m. No.6619193   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hackers targeting airport charging stations to steal data


Security experts are issuing a warning for travelers to think twice about using airport charging stations.


They say using the public USB ports could put unsuspecting users at risk of what's called "juice jacking."


It happens when hackers secretly modify the USB ports to install malware on your phone or steal your data.


Just by plugging in, hackers can steal data, text messages, pictures, and email from your phone.


"There's really no way to tell, and you have to be really technically savvy to detect such an attack," IBM cybersecurity expert Charles Henderson said.


Experts recommend bringing your own charger or portable battery along to avoid using the public USB ports.