Anonymous ID: ab864f May 29, 2019, 11:25 a.m. No.6619163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9168 >>9180 >>9209 >>9239 >>9253 >>9272

Someone explain this shit.. This is what I just can't wrap my head around..


These people are open liars, open and closet criminals, etc., and they know the evidence is out there to show it, they know who has that evidence.. So why do they continue to double and triple down on all there corrupt activity? Why don't they run and hide, try to save themselves in any way possible? Why keep poking the bear? Is it cause there handlers are still in control? The swamp runs deep and we are nowhere near an ending? I understand the whole panic attempt to get rid of Potus but, if they know what's coming and Patriots are in control, getting rid of him won't change what is coming, so does the ds still maintain a big amount of control? I just feel is if we are nowhere near the truth and ending pertaining to the plan. We see how fucked up the US still is within the media everyday, and we also see the opposite, but, it just feels as if we are nowhere near the "truth that makes change" coming out.