Anonymous ID: c88fd8 May 29, 2019, 10:24 a.m. No.6618641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8650 >>8653 >>8932 >>9027



God decreed that a Child-killing, serial adulterer (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14) would become President of the United States? 2 Pe 2:1


“My dear friend, Brian Rohrbough, whose son Danny was murdered at Columbine High School by Harris and Klebold, wants to send this message in response to Sam's worry that if God was not in total control, he might lead us to marry someone who will murder our children: 


Dr. Lamerson, I received a letter from Barbara Martin of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. She wrote, "Our family faced this grim reality too when our grandchildren were murdered by their mother, Susan Smith…


Many people blame God, but the Bible blames the devil (Hebrews 2:12)." 


Mrs. Martin is correct when we realize that the devil represents all those in rebellion against God (John 8:44), but millions of Calvinists believe that God ordained every rape and murder, and the criminals do exactly what God predestined them to do, without any ability to do otherwise. Dr. Lamerson, you wrote that if God was not in complete control, then perhaps "the spouse that he leads me to marry may be the wrong one who will murder my children." But your Calvinist God supposedly did that already to David Smith. Sam, you believe that every mother who murders her child does so by God's decree…” Full text:  Is the Future Settled or Open? Dr. Lamerson vs. Enyart: Royale X Debate Excerpts