Anonymous ID: dbc05d May 29, 2019, 10:12 a.m. No.6618568   🗄️.is 🔗kun



as a EU Anon, i have feeling that slowly, but at LARGE SCALE, people are starting to stop being afraid of SJW and MSM, and starting to openly support Potus.


UFC is probably one of the biggest sport organizations WW at the moment, and they are BIGLY SUPPORTING POTUS.


First time so openly. Check this video from today.



Pretty good feeling about this.



Anonymous ID: dbc05d May 29, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.6618707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8735

The point of the Mueller investigation was to prevent declassification by threat of “obstruction;” if there were any doubt as to the point of the report, Mueller just underlined it: we didn’t find evidence of conspiracy (but by all means keep speculating), and we can’t say the president is “innocent” of obstruction, because (cough, cough) that’s Congress’s job.


Mueller is practically BAITING Pelosi to get on with it, and get on with it NOW.


This is a movie.

Anonymous ID: dbc05d May 29, 2019, 10:41 a.m. No.6618783   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Mr. Mueller, let’s talk very specifically about Volume 2. Now, I’ve read a great many Special Counsel reports in my long career, and I must say that this volume looks nothing like anything I’ve ever seen before. It could not be used to reach any conclusion that a Special Counsel is supposed to reach. Instead of stating whether or not there is sufficient reason to indict, as an SCO document is charged to do, it goes backwards and says that there’s not enough evidence to prove that a crime did NOT occur – which of course is a statement that a SCO would never make – and then goes on to say that you would have said so if there was – which also is a statement and a position that an SCO would never make. Therefore, my question for you is this: ‘Who ACTUALLY wrote Volume 2, and what was his or her purpose in doing so?'”

Anonymous ID: dbc05d May 29, 2019, 11:01 a.m. No.6618938   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MUELLER IS SCARED FOR A REASON; (does he sleep at night)

IMO-Mueller is scared of being indicted for Uranium One etc. and not ending the Special Counsel a year sooner when he knew beyond a reasonable doubt that P/T should not have been investigated; Hillary should have been.



We want the alleged criminals to continue to attack the Rule of Law, Constitution, P/T and Family, the American People and the United States (destruction). A peace deal will give Hillary and the Globalist a victory…we want the enemy to continue to attack every second of the day. We do not want a peace deal which would be a trap; we must fight this Civil Legal War to the bitter end…the loser will disappear forever (PDJT has the criminal codes the criminals have nothing).


IMO-PDJT MADE MUELLER/ROSENSTEIN AN OFFER THEY COULDN’T REFUSE (Mueller now understands PDJT power and is worried).

IMO PDJT told Rosenstein if the Russia Investigation doesn’t end by May 2019; PDJT will point the nuclear criminal codes directly at Mueller/Rosenstein, right before going nuclear with the criminal codes on other alleged criminals; Hillary Emails, Clinton Foundation and the top management of the FBI/DOJ.


IMO-PDJT would have taken Mueller/Rosenstein all the way to the Supreme Court. Mueller and Rosenstein decided to take the path that would reduce their legal liability. They are both worried.


IMO-Mueller/Rosenstein still wants PDJT destroyed and they both know they are at risk of Legal Liability as the nuclear criminal codes are implemented against Hillary’s Emails, Clinton Foundation (motivated corruption) and the top management of the FBI/DOJ who allegedly wanted to show Hillary what they did for her (Consent Agreement); for more power/money.


Mueller is hedging with the best hand he has to play; just like Comey did by opening up Hillary Investigation right before the election. IMO they both have the same genes of J. Edgar Hoover.


Trillions of dollars and Power are all at risk;

The Globalist, RINOS, Business Round Table and the Clinton’s know when PDJT implements the criminal codes they will all be destroyed.

Anonymous ID: dbc05d May 29, 2019, 11:17 a.m. No.6619078   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nothing Mueller said today was unexpected. He’s just basically restating the points of the Mueller report.


The only newsworthy item of the day was Mueller saying that he didn’t charge Trump with obstruction because of the OLC guidelines (can’t charge a sitting president). Barr told Congress that Mueller told him that this was NOT the reason why Mueller didn’t charge Trump.


Everything else was just by the book, Mueller saying “yeah I agree with my report.” As expected.


He doesn’t want to testify, and doesn’t want to face cross-examination.


Will the media and Dems go nuts on this? Of course. Mueller was their last bit of hope. So they have to try to run with it. But the facts of the case don’t change (although there will be a push to change opinion polls now), and that means Trump won’t be removed by the Senate. Which means that the Dems are unlikely to impeach (for political reasons).


We’re pretty much at the end of the road here, then, it would seem. Mueller “testified,” Amash joined the resistance and there isn’t much more to do. Doubtful Hope Hicks or McGahn’s assistant will change the equation much, even if they actually testify.


I would actually welcome impeachment, because it would expose the Dems and end all the innuendo. I don’t want it, but would laugh if it happened because it almost certainly would damage the Dems. Although, to be fair, it could damage POTUS somewhat for 2020. And we don’t want that.


The Clinton impeachment, from start to finish, lasted about 12 weeks. In both House and Senate. I would imagine any effort against POTUS would be even shorter, since there would be just one main “charge” against POTUS (obstruction), while there were two against Clinton (obstruction, perjury).


Also of note, Susan Collins voted “not guilty” on both counts against Clinton. Given that history, it would seem impossible for her to vote guilty against POTUS. Clinton, I believe, actually pushed witnesses to lie under oath. POTUS did not.