Anonymous ID: fe4854 May 29, 2019, 10:19 a.m. No.6618611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8672 >>8692




Frenchmen and American 168th Inf., coming over the top with sacks of Grenades, Badonville, France


National Archives Photo 8341, Courtesy of Indiana War Memorial

The 42nd was created in August 1917 and comprised of volunteers from National Guard Units from 26 States and the District of Columbia. The nickname "Rainbow Division" represented the diversity of men grouped into one division as reflected by Chief of Staff Major Douglass Mac Arthur that they "would stretch over the whole country like a rainbow." Many of these units had served in Pershing's Mexican expedition in 1916 and Mac Arthur's vision, evolving from a desperate need for more experienced officers to train the newly drafted army, created the 42nd.


The 42nd was the first US combat division sent to France. They fought at the second battle of the Marne, Luneville Sector, Ourcq River, Chateau-Thierry counter offensive, St. Mihiel, Verdun, Champagne Woevre and Meuse-Argonne, suffering heavy losses of more than 12,000 casualties in 264 days of combat operations out of 457 days of service on the front lines.


Mural of MacArthur w/42nd Div


Postcard of "Mac Arthur in the Trenches" mural by Alton S. Toby depicting the frustrations of the 42nd with a disabled tank overshadowing a muddy, rat infested, shell smashed trench.


42nd PatchRainbow Division Patch, IWM


Letter from Harry A. Ludlow, 150th Field Artillery, 42nd Div., Pvt. Marion County


Although Mail service between American soldiers in the folks back home is being improved as rapidly as possible, it often happens that the soldiers are situated where, for a few weeks, they do not have access to post office and consequently, the mail accumulates. The men all try to impress on the relatives and friends that no news is good news.


H. A. Ludlow, 971 Lexington Avenue has received a letter from his son Harry A. Ludlow Jr., who is a member of the 150th field artillery, the April 3 in which he says:


“It has been a long time since I have written, probably five or six weeks, pretty busy and I haven't been near the United States Post Office, so you see I had no chance to write. All our mail is handed to the United States Post Office and we can’t use the French ones, so if you're not near a United States one you can't write. Since writing last I have received seven of your letters, the last dated March 11th.


“I am feeling fine and am in good spirits and having lots of experiences - and also lots of cooties if you don’t know what a cootie is I will explain that it is a small animal about the size of two pinheads, usually found in the inside of the undershirt, itchy when you get a good mass of cooties working overtime. The only remedy for them is a complete change of underwear. The underwear should be boiled, and after drying the dead cooties should be picked off.


“As I write, I can hear the big guns having a little evenings entertainment. Have seen many fights, saw raids and been under shell fire. Have received copies of The News and it has our locations pretty close. Didn't see how it got by the censors, but surely did I see by the papers I receive from you that you all know we are at the front, and from now on we are going to give the Boche ‘Hell’. I didn't get out to the gun positions very often. Hop on a truck once in awhile when I'm not busy and go out to see what was going on. Had a nice time on one trip, got shelled and everything, but no one was hurt.


“When we were over at our first town, every time the air raid signal would start going all of the Frenchies would head for the bomb proofs and the Americans would dash out into the street to see it. It is a very foolish thing to do, but American curiosity must be satisfied, so out they come. In one town especially, the boys use to have lots of fun watching raids. When the signal is given the boys would rush into their billets and the officers thought they stayed in until the ‘all’s well’ signal is given, but there happen to be a back door in the building so boys would rush in the front door and out the back, and watch the battle.”

Anonymous ID: fe4854 May 29, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.6619264   🗄️.is 🔗kun



'Q' cant be asked until after 2020.. election interference will taint the victory. That being said… I hypothesize it will go much longer into the second term. Including high-level public arrests. Arrests may be happening behind the scenes… but nothing huge will go down in the public-eye for a while.