Anonymous ID: 0484b3 May 29, 2019, 11:51 a.m. No.6619392   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So, now that we know that Trump was elected by the jewish Chabad cult/Mafia what are we going to do about?

(((They))) are killing Americans , "Opioid crisis", like they used to kill Russians in the former Soviet Union.

May be there is perfect justice for the Schadenfreude the Western people had while their fellow christians were slaughtered.

Now it is there turn to bleed?

Anonymous ID: 0484b3 May 29, 2019, 11:56 a.m. No.6619444   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Trump is a traitor!

He sold out to the jewish mafia who got rich by slaughtering christians in the former soviet union Kazachstan and now do the same in the US!

Google Bayrock, Felix Sater, Tevhik Arif.

Anonymous ID: 0484b3 May 29, 2019, 12:09 p.m. No.6619564   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is how the jewish chabad Mafia operates.

(((They))) are killing of the real resistance while claiming to be supportive of it.


Didnt Q say Assange is safe? Instead (((they)))tortured him with bio- and electromagnetic weapons to have plausible deniability