Anonymous ID: 3fd6c9 May 29, 2019, 11:44 a.m. No.6619336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9346 >>9347 >>9356 >>9363 >>9385 >>9391 >>9395 >>9401 >>9403 >>9587 >>9716 >>9754 >>9888 >>9958 >>0035

OIG Report on Comey et al just released!


Huge report! 568 pages.


“A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 Election”


Full report

Anonymous ID: 3fd6c9 May 29, 2019, 11:45 a.m. No.6619349   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kevin Shipp – Blackmail Spying by Obama and Clinton, Trump vs Deep State in Historic Battle


The Trump/Russia collusion hoax is really just a case of extreme spying from the Deep State according to former CIA Officer Kevin Shipp. This was done to get blackmail information against political opponents. It goes back to 2012 and was under the direction of President Obama. Shipp explains, “This was NSA domestic surveillance, and it’s been going on since before 9/11. It increased after 9/11. What they did, Comey and others like Brennan, they went in and requested information existing already on NSA super computers and used that information to spy on the Trump Campaign. . . . They did spy on Donald Trump, and it was extensive. It was criminal and was existing systems the NSA already had in place. . . . This leads all the way to Barack Obama and, of course, Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton being the blackmailer extraordinaire and Barack Obama. . . . They were using this power to intimidate others and probably to blackmail others . . . that’s exactly what they were doing. . . . They were all engaging in flagrant criminal activity. They all thought the global princess was going to get elected, and all of a sudden—boom. The unthinkable happened for them. Donald Trump was elected, and they freaked out.”

Anonymous ID: 3fd6c9 May 29, 2019, 11:48 a.m. No.6619374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9382 >>9952

SCOTUS upholds portion of Indiana abortion law that requires aborted babies' remains to be buried or cremated


The U.S. Supreme Court upheld on Tuesday an Indiana law that requires abortion providers to bury or cremate fetal remains but it rejected an appeal to reinstate a law that would prohibit discriminatory abortions.


In 2016, then-Gov. Mike Pence signed into law a bill that prohibited abortion providers from treating aborted babies as "infectious and pathological waste," according to the law. The other part of the law banned abortions sought because of a baby's race, sex, or a disorder, such as Down syndrome.


State Attorney General Curtis Hill Jr. said the law was passed in response to an "alarming trend of disability-selective abortions." The law was intended to protect children "with Down syndrome and other disfavored characteristics from invidious discrimination," NBC News reported.


Both provisions were later blocked by the lower courts.


What does this mean?

The 7th Circuit Court blocked the requirement for abortion providers to treat an aborted baby in the same way that any other deceased human would be treated in the state.


"We now reverse that determination," the Supreme Court wrote in their opinion. "This Court has already acknowledged that a State has a 'legitimate interest in proper disposal of fetal remains.'"


In a separate opinion, Justice Clarence Thomas expressed his support for the provision.


"Indiana law prohibits abortion providers from treating the bodies of aborted children as 'infectious waste' and incinerating them alongside used needles, laboratory animal carcasses, and surgical byproducts," Thomas wrote. "I would have thought it could go without saying that nothing in the Constitution or any decision of this court prevents a State from requiring abortion facilities to provide for the respectful treatment of human remains."


The lower court also blocked a provision that prevented a doctor from performing an abortion sought after the sex of the baby or a congenital defect or disorder is diagnosed.


The Supreme Court upheld that decision which means the law cannot take effect.

Anonymous ID: 3fd6c9 May 29, 2019, 11:50 a.m. No.6619386   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dr. Sharon Goldberg Testifies at Michigan’s 5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Hearing “Wireless Radiation as Biological Effects”


We are vibrational creatures. Every cell in our body is electric and has its own frequency and vibration. EMF’s affect all of that.

Anonymous ID: 3fd6c9 May 29, 2019, 11:53 a.m. No.6619408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0005

JERRY NADLER: President Trump Is Lying… Mueller’s Report calls for Congress to Respond to the Lies, Crimes – “All Options Are on the Table”


Democrat Jerry Nadler: President Trump Is Lying… Mueller’s Report calls for Congress to Respond to the Lies, Crimes – “All Options Are on the Table”


Robert Mueller made a statement this morning at 11 AM Eastern.

It was Mueller’s first public statement in two years.


Mueller blamed Russians for influencing the elections.

Mueller accused Russia of working with Wikileaks to damage the Hillary Clinton campaign by releasing truthful emails between her campaign staff.


Mueller then said,


“If we had confidence the president DID NOT commit a crime we would have said so. We did not however make a determination if the president did commit a crime.”

Anonymous ID: 3fd6c9 May 29, 2019, 11:55 a.m. No.6619439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9962

French FM calls for Riyadh, Abu Dhabi to end “dirty war” in Yemen


French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian on Tuesday renewed calls for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to end the conflict in Yemen.


In media statements, Le Drian described the six-year conflict in Yemen as a “dirty war.”


The conflict in Yemen erupted in September 2014, when the Ansar Allah “Houthi” group, backed by Iran, seized control of the Yemeni capital Sanaa.


Following the Houthi action, Saudi Arabia, the closest regional power to Yemen, announced in March 2015, forming the coalition for supporting legitimacy in Yemen.


Besides Saudi Arabia, the coalition includes the UAE; Jordan; Bahrain; Pakistan; Djibouti; Sudan; Senegal; Kuwait; Morocco; Malaysia, and Egypt, as well as the internationally recognised government of Yemen.


Qatar was also part of the coalition until the breakdown of the Gulf crisis in May 2017.


The conflict in Yemen resulted in killing more than 100,000 civilians and wounding hundreds of thousands. It is also a humanitarian and medical crisis in the impoverished country.


Yemen is facing the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. Almost 16 million people in Yemen (53% of the population) are experiencing severe acute hunger, according to the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analysis in December 2018.


Without humanitarian food assistance, over 20 million people (67% of the population) would be severely food insecure, with a significant number being on the brink of famine, according to a recent report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

Anonymous ID: 3fd6c9 May 29, 2019, 12:02 p.m. No.6619506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9528 >>9564

Julian Assange Admitted Into Belmarsh Medical Ward; Provably False Rape Allegations Hearing Delay Denied


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been admitted into the hospital ward of Belmarsh following reports by Assange’s defense lawyer that a motion to delay a hearing in Sweden next Monday, on the provably fraudulent rape allegations (which this reporter has exposed), has been denied.


Reuters reports:


The Swedish prosecutor heading an investigation into the rape allegation against Assange, which he denies, this month filed a request with a local court for him to be detained with a hearing scheduled for June 3.


Swedish defense lawyer Per Samuelson told Reuters he had visited Assange in British custody on Friday after which he had sought to have the hearing postponed.


Assange’s lawyer cited his health conditions as one of the reasons that the hearing should be delayed stating his client was not able to have a normal conversation and, as a result, he hasn’t had enough time to get a defense together.


“One of the reasons is that Assange’s health situation on Friday was such that it was not possible to conduct a normal conversation with him,” Samuelson said.


“I meant that it should be postponed until I had time to meet again and go through the issues in peace and quiet. I suggested no specific date and meant it should be postponed until everything was ready, but the district court has now decided that this won’t happen.”


However, despite ongoing health concerns of Assange, the court denied the motion to delay the hearing scheduled for next Monday, in Sweden.


Assange’s lawyer also stated in a Swedish news article that his client has been recently admitted to the medical ward of Belmarsh prison. However, there is no further information on the state of Assange’s health, or if conditions have worsened since he was taken into prison or if this is from existing health conditions he experienced from the treatment while in the UK embassy.


This denial of extending the hearing past Monday is compounded with originally denying lawyers access to court transcripts of statements to copy, pushing his defense to have to read documents and then remember what was said to write it up by memory. Which, obviously would create a flimsy defense by design.


A former Prosecutor, Ove Nordström, Källby, previously notified Prosecutor Marianne Ny (the woman responsible for the preliminary investigation of the allegations) to the police unit for special investigations. In other words, a special prosecutor to be assigned to investigate the Assange case corruption for the rape allegations. While another former prosecutor, Rolf Hillegren said prior that Ny should have been replaced.


More in link:

Anonymous ID: 3fd6c9 May 29, 2019, 12:05 p.m. No.6619532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9692 >>9980 >>0034

Judicial Watch: Former Asst. Sec. of State for Diplomatic Security Testifies Under Oath that He Warned Hillary Clinton Twice About Unsecure BlackBerrys and Personal Emails


‘They had come from the campaign trail and they were … wedded to their BlackBerrys … They wanted to be able to have them at their desks where they were working, and they weren’t allowed to have that’ – Eric Boswell


(Washington, DC)– Judicial Watch today released the deposition transcript of Eric Boswell, the former Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State, in which he reveals that Hillary Clinton was warned twice against using unsecure BlackBerrys and personal emails to transmit classified material. A full transcript of the deposition is available here.


Boswell, who was responsible for securing classified and national security information, stated that Clinton and her staff were “wedded to their BlackBerrys.” Additionally, he stated that he and other former State Department employees “were surprised” that Clinton used to conduct official government business.


In his deposition, Ambassador Boswell stated:


Hillary Clinton and other Senior State Department officials were warned in 2009 that “any unclassified Blackberry is highly vulnerable in any setting to remotely and covertly monitoring conversations, retrieving emails and exploiting calendars.”

Clinton was warned again in 2011 that “We also urge Department users to minimize the use of personal web email for business, as some compromised home systems have been reconfigured by these actors to automatically forward copies of all composed emails to an undisclosed recipient.”

Clinton assured him that she “gets it” when he informed her about dangers of Blackberries.

Clinton and her staff were “wedded to their blackberries” and wanted to continue using them in secure areas even after warning because it was a “convenience issue” to them.

He and other former State Department employees “were surprised” to learn that Clinton used to conduct official government business. Boswell claimed that they were not aware of such activity while still employed by the government.


Boswell was deposed as part of the discovery granted to Judicial Watch by U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth in response to its Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unsecured, non-government email system (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01242)).

Anonymous ID: 3fd6c9 May 29, 2019, 12:15 p.m. No.6619617   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Recommendations Issued by the Office of the Inspector General That Were Not Closed As of March 31, 2019


213 pages

Anonymous ID: 3fd6c9 May 29, 2019, 12:20 p.m. No.6619663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9702

Sara Netanyahu strikes plea deal, will avoid fraud charge, pay $15k fine


Bringing so-called catering case to a close, PM’s wife will admit to softened charge on using public funds to buy meals for official residence


State prosecutors on Wednesday reached a plea deal with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife, Sara, in the so-called catering case, under which she will escape a conviction of fraud but will admit to a lesser charge and pay NIS 55,000 ($15,210) to the state.


A year ago, Sara Netanyahu and Ezra Saidoff, a former caretaker at the Prime Minister’s Residence, were charged with fraud and breach of trust for spending $100,000 of state funds on catered meals while there was a full-time chef on staff.


The residence is not permitted to order in prepared food if a chef is present. The two allegedly misrepresented the chef’s presence between September 2010 and March 2013 in order to claim state funds to order meals.


As part of the plea deal, Saidoff — like Netanyahu — will admit to a lesser graft offense of taking unfair advantage of a mistake.


Saidoff agreed to pay NIS 10,000 ($2,765) and will carry out community service.


Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit had been eager from the start to avoid a criminal trial, drawing up a plea bargain proposal for Netanyahu even before announcing charges. That deal never saw the light of day.


With the prosecution demanding a criminal conviction, and Netanyahu’s lawyer Yossi Cohen holding out against it, negotiations under arbitrator Judge Mordechai Kaduri, vice president of the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court, dragged on for months.


In January, Hebrew media reported that prosecutors had rejected three arbitration proposals.

Anonymous ID: 3fd6c9 May 29, 2019, 12:23 p.m. No.6619699   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PM offers ministries, law changes, even presidency, in frantic bid for majority


Likud negotiators attempt to woo members of opposition Labor and Blue and White parties with astonishing offers, to no avail, as coalition clock ticks down to midnight


As the clock ticked down toward the midnight deadline, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seemed to be running out of options to build a majority government, his Likud negotiators were revealed to have been offering a desperate array of goodies to unlikely saviors from opposition parties — apparently to no avail.


Minute by minute on Wednesday evening, fresh revelations emerged.


It turned out that Labor’s leader Avi Gabbay had received overtures to join forces with Netanyahu, along with as many of his five fellow Labor MKs as possible, and had seriously weighed the offer before rejecting it.


In return, Gabbay’s Labor was offered various ministries — including the Finance Ministry that Likud has also promised to Moshe Kahlon; he was promised that Netanyahu would abandon his efforts to pass anti-democratic legislation aimed at protecting the prime minister from prosecution; MK Shelly Yachimovich was to be given the Justice Ministry; senior Labor MK Amir Peretz was even reportedly promised the presidency when Reuven Rivlin’s term is over.


Simultaneously, Netanyahu’s negotiators were trying to woo various members of Benny Gantz’s Blue and White party.


Here, the promises included no fewer than five ministries, various ambassadorships, the promise to expedite the immigration to Israel of thousands of Falashmura community members from Ethiopia (to woo Pnina Tamano-Shata, an MK of Ethiopian origin), and to change the controversial nation-state law to benefit the Druze community (to appeal to Gadeer Mreeh, a Druze MK).

Anonymous ID: 3fd6c9 May 29, 2019, 12:32 p.m. No.6619810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9858


>>>6619716 (You)


>No, you posted the wrong pics anon

No I didn't I posted the full report from the OIG section FFS


Dumb fucks around here these days

Anonymous ID: 3fd6c9 May 29, 2019, 12:35 p.m. No.6619849   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel hands Palestinian minor 4-month jail term


A 15-year-old Palestinian was yesterday sentenced to four months in jail and fined 3,000 shekels ($830) for stone-throwing.


Israel’s Salem military court in the north of the occupied West Bank, issued its verdict against Abdul-Jaber Yasin 25 days after he was arrested on 3 May in Asira al-Qibliya.


Palestinian children are subject to a different set of legal rules than Israeli children in the Israeli justice system: longer periods of detention without charge, a lower minimum age for custodial sentences, and a lack of access to their parents or legal representatives during questioning, amongst others.


Recently, a 16-year-old Israeli teenager who was convicted of killing Palestinian mother of eight Aisha Al-Rabi was released to house arrest, avoiding jail time with a maximum sentence of 20 years. The settler teen – who cannot be named due to a court-imposed gag order – was charged in January with manslaughter, aggravated stone throwing and intentional sabotage of a vehicle “in the context of a terrorist act”.


Meanwhile, throwing stones is the most common charge against Palestinian children, and it carries a maximum penalty ranging from ten to 20 years.


According to B’Tselem, “from the beginning of 2005 to the end of 2010, at least 835 Palestinian minors were arrested and tried in military courts in the West Bank on charges of stone throwing”. In addition, as of the end of April 2019, 205 Palestinian minors were held in Israeli prisons as security detainees and prisoners, including 2 administrative detainees.


Defense for Children International (DCI) Palestine adds that “each year approximately 500-700 Palestinian children, some as young as 12 years, are detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system. The most common charge is stone throwing”.

Anonymous ID: 3fd6c9 May 29, 2019, 12:40 p.m. No.6619916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9969 >>0034

Bernie Sanders: ‘I Will Support an Impeachment Inquiry


Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT) said Wednesday he would support an impeachment inquiry into President Trump. Sanders statement was in response to remarks by Special Counsel Robert Mueller earlier in the day at the Justice Department about the closing of his investigation into President Trump and Russian influence operations on the 2016 election.


“Given the reality that we have a president who believes he is above the law, Congress must continue its investigations. If the House Judiciary Committee deems it necessary, I will support their decision to open an impeachment inquiry.”


Sanders has been reluctant to call for Trump’s impeachment. Sanders tip-toed up to impeachment last week, as reported by Politico:


“I do understand where House members are coming from. And you’ve got this guy who is refusing to respect the Constitution, equal powers, and is rejecting requests for members of the administration to come forward,” the 2020 Democratic White House hopeful said on CNN.


“So, you know, I think it may be time at least to begin the process through the Judiciary Committee to determine whether or not there are impeachment proceedings.”


Sanders is in second place in the Democrat presidential race at 20 percent according to a Morning Consult poll released Tuesday. Former Vice President Joe Biden leads with 38 percent. The rest of the field is in single digits.


They can't impeach as they know it will fail as the need bipartisan support, but by keeping it as an ongoing narrative they are trying to buy time to start a war