Anonymous ID: 536251 May 29, 2019, 12:50 p.m. No.6620017   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Monsanto's glyphosate herbicide is used to "dry down" wheat and oats. Imagine going into your backyard, killing some tall grasses with a bottle of Round-up, shaking out the dead plants, grinding up the grass seeds and baking bread out of them. Sound appetizing? That is what Americans do every day when we eat conventional wheat and oat products. Your baby wants his/her first finger food? Would you like them to nibble down a few Round-up doused Cheerios? Some people know that Round-up is used on GMO corn and soy. I'd guess a lot of folks don't know that Round-up is used OFF LABEL as a "dry down" agent (not truly a desiccant). Anyone wonder why so many Americans can't eat "gluten"? Perhaps the Round-up in every morsel of grain is the more serious issue.